Israeli Palestine Conflict

  • start movement to establish jewish state in Palestine

    start movement to establish jewish state in Palestine
    the jewish people always said that they were there own country by now they finally agree to be one and are developing a way to set their land.
  • end movement to establish jewish state in Palestine

    end movement to establish jewish state in Palestine
    by now the fight is over to determine the land and as their from the palestines.
  • palestanians began to lose land

    palestanians began to lose land
    as isreal came to be known as their own country it had to come from one country known as paletine
  • palestines lose land

    palestines lose land
    once again after alrady losing land from isreal they continue to after.
  • war begins

    war begins
    the palestines become furious and abhore isreal winning all this land to where they decide to fight for them
  • israel declared as an independent

    israel declared as an independent
    isreal is now officialy declared independent from all others.
  • israel attacked first

    israel attacked first
    isreal have been attacked by the palestines for having to take the land.
  • israel attacked end

    israel attacked end
    at end the attacks against isreal now finally end with their victory.
  • the suez war

    the suez war
    isreal was attacked and had their sinai taken away by surrounding countries and were supported by others after as well.
  • palestines continue to lose land

    palestines continue to lose land
    still after so long the palestines have lost even more land of what they had left.
  • the six day war

    the six day war
    isreal had decided to attack eygipt after having an army stronger and ready for battle.
  • results of six dar way

    results of six dar way
    isreal gains land in golan heights west bank east jeruslem sinai peninsula gaza strip now have to govern 1 million palestines created resolution 242 losers feel bad about loss palestines radicalize
  • fata takes control of PLO

    fata takes control of PLO
    goal destroy isreal, fatah has now taken control of a group of members that formed to destroy isreal.
  • black september of 1972 in isreal

    black september of 1972 in isreal
    PLO terrorsm killing 11 athletes and coaches for the olympics
  • yom kippur war

    yom kippur war
    Egypt and syria attack isreal on holy day for jewish
  • camp david records

    camp david records
    peace treaty is sighned by isreal and egypt
  • isreals invasion of lebanon

    isreals invasion of lebanon
    isreal invaded lebanon to end PLO
  • rise of hezbollah

    rise of hezbollah
  • end of palestine uprising

    end of palestine uprising
    the palestines were furious with cinlfict between them and isreal and decided to attack but now it was finally over.
  • oslo accords

    president clinton brokered peace agreement between PLO
  • jordanian peace agreement

    joprdan became second only state to accept peace
  • palestines lost most of their land

    palestines lost most of their land
    by this point isreal had taken alomst all of what little land left from palestine over the years
  • start of second uprising

    palestines fight for their culture once more
  • arafat died

  • end of second uprisng

    palestines end disagreement between clintons peace
  • isreal disengagement

    evacuated all palestines in gaza area
  • lebanon war

    hezbollah attacked isreal with bombs in civil areas
  • hamas election victory

    hamas made a suprise victory for palestines and create better dividion
  • palestanian civil war

    fight broke out between fatah and gaza, fatah won
  • start war in gaza

    isreal and gaza fght between each other with bombs hitting almost everyday on each other
  • end of gaza war

    isreal and gaza conflict between each other finally ends
  • start palestine uprising

    start palestine uprising
    palestines are now attacking against the jews for protection of their beliefs