Jewish Diaspora
http://www.myjewishlearning.com/history/Jewish_World_Today/Jews_Around_the_Globe.shtml The Jews left the region of the kindgdom. -
Oct 9, 614
http://jcpa.org/article/timeline/ Persians ivade Israel -
Oct 7, 634
http://www.timeforkids.com/destination/israel/history-timeline The Muslim armies take over Isreal. -
Jewish Hebron Cummunity
http://archive.adl.org/israel/advocacy/chronology.html#.VDWKxdTF9b4 The Arabs attack Jewish Hebron Cummunity -
War of Independence
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html The War of Independence ends -
King David Hotel
http://archive.adl.org/israel/advocacy/chronology.html#.VDWKxdTF9b4 Igrun bombs King David Hotel -
War of Independence
http://jcpa.org/article/timeline/ War of Idependence with Arab and Israel -
Armistice Agreement
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html Armistice Agreement with Egypt and Israel -
Armistice Agreement
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html Lebanon and Israel sign Armistice Agreement -
Armistice Agreement
Transjordan and Israel sign Armistice Agreement -
United States Nations
http://jcpa.org/article/timeline/ Israel is accepted as 59th member of United States Nation -
Armistice Agreement
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html Syria and Israel sign Armistice Agreement -
Law of Return
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html Isreal passes law of Return -
Egypt Attack
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html Israel, Britian, and France attack Egypt -
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html Isreal withdraws from Sinai and Gaza -
Terroist Attack
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html The first PLO terriost attack against Israel -
6 day war
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html 6 day war reunification with Isreal and Jerusalem -
http://archive.adl.org/israel/record/milestones.html Arab States reject peace with Israel -
http://www.timeforkids.com/destination/israel/history-timeline Israel Attacks Egypt -
Yom Kippur War
http://www.timeforkids.com/destination/israel/history-timeline Yom Kippur War with Egypt and Israel -
http://jcpa.org/article/timeline/ First Lebanon War with Israel -
http://www.timeforkids.com/destination/israel/history-timeline Israel invades Lebanon -
Exsistence treaty
http://www.timeforkids.com/destination/israel/history-timeline Sign of Exsistence treaty with PLO and Israel -
Peace Treaty
http://www.timeforkids.com/destination/israel/history-timeline Peace treaty with Jordan and Israel -
http://history-of-israel.org/history/time_line.php The Persians return the invasion of Israel.