Romans take over Israel
The Jewish people went into the Bar-Kochba Rebellion and they were crushed by the Romans. Then the Emporer(Hadrian) banned them from the city and shut down the Academy -
Muhammad's birth
Muhammad is born in Mecca,he was born into a noble family -
Oct 13, 610
Gabriel the angel
Muhammad leaves town and finds a cave with Gabriel in it. Gabriel tells Muhammad to worship Jesus and only Jesus. -
Oct 13, 622
The Persecution
Muhammad and his followers were perseutioned and after they had won it they settled down in the town of Yathrib. -
Oct 14, 633
Muhammad Dies
Muhammad dies of a prolonged disease -
Oct 14, 655
Israel Grows
Israel moving throuhtout north afica -
Oct 15, 732
Potiers defeat
Muslems defeat Potiers in France -
Oct 15, 1040
Rashi birth
Rashi was born -
Oct 14, 1120
Israel Spreads
Israel is spread through Aisa. Muslims teach Israel about Islamic -
Oct 14, 1244
Tartars take over Jerusalem -
Oct 15, 1299
Ottoman State
The first Ottoman state is formed in Anatolia, Turkey -
Oct 9, 1500
Turkish rule
The region comes under the Ottoman Turkish ruleing -
Oct 15, 1517
Muslims have victory over Selim I of Eygpt. -
Second Aliyah
Second Aliyah, mostly Poblish Jews and Russians -
Balffour Declaration
British approval to effort Jews to create a homeland. After world War 1, the British had taken over and they allow some Jewish settlements -
Prime Minister
David Ben-Gurion is Israels first prime minister. The Neighboring counrty decalers war and but Israel survives -
Israel Becomes a State
Israel has become a state/country by the U.S -
Attacking Eygpt
Israel Attcks Eygpt, and extends the control of Jerusalem -
Jewish Holy Day
During a Jewish holy day Egypt attacks territory of Israel and causes the Yom Kippur War. -
The Eygptions sign a peace treaty with Israel. -
Invading Lebanon
Israel invades Lebanon to get rid of the Palestinians -
New Prime Mister
Benjamin Netanyahu becomes the new Prime Mister of Israel -
Trade attacks
Palestinians and Muslims continue trade attacks agaisnt each other -
Palestinians Rise up
Palestinians start attacking Israel from the west bank -
Jordon's Peace
Jordon signs a peace treaty with Israel -