UN Plan to Partition Palestine
The United Nations decided to divide Palestine into an Arab and Jewish state. The Arabs did not aprove of this because they didn't want to do anything with the UN. On the other hand, the Jewish agreed for the land that they got. -
Arab/Israeli War
When five Arab nations invaded Palestinian mandate. Israel won because they were more advanced in their military technology and they ended up gaining more land. -
Israel Declares Independence
After the Israeli and Arab War, Israel declared independence and broke away from everyone else. After they did so, they start expanding their land and taking Palestinian land that they had rejected. -
Suez Crisis
The Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez canal. Soon after, Israel joined forces with France and Great Britain to break through Egypt towards the Suez Canal. They later withdrew their troops and broke the relationship with the United States. -
Formation of PLO
The goal of the Palestinian National Council (PLO) was the liberation of Palestine through armed struggle -
Six Day War
The Six day war, also known as June War, was the same as all the other wars just when Israel won, they took the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, Old City of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights -
Yom Kipper War
Hoping to win back territory that was lost, the same five nations, attacked Israel again. With the Israeli's holding them off, the other nations counter attacked and got back the Golan Heights -
Oslo Accords
These were signed agreements between Israeli government and the PLO saying that Israel remains in peace and the Palestinians would have government responsibilities over the West Bank and Gaza Strip over a five-year period. -
Lebanon War
This war was just to get peace for Galilee.