
Israel/Palestinian Conflict Timeline

  • UN plan to partition Palestine

    UN plan to partition Palestine
    The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181
  • Israel declares independence

    Israel declares independence
    Israel declares independence
  • Arab/Israeli War

    Arab/Israeli War
    Arab/Israeli War was fought between the State of Israel and a military coalition of Arab states over the control of Palestine, forming the second stage of the 1948 Palestine war.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    An invasion of Egypt in late 1956 by Israel, followed by the United Kingdom and France.
  • Formation of PLO

    Formation of PLO
    The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. Concluding this meeting the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964. Its stated goal was the "liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    Egypt believed the deployment had prevented an Israeli attack on Syria, and it was thus possible to deter Israel with the mere deployment of forces, without the danger of going to war. The crisis was to have a direct effect on both sides during the events of May 1967, which eventually led to the Six-Day War.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    The Yom Kippur War, Ramadan War, or October War also known as the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, was a war fought by a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel from October 6 to 25, 1973. The fighting mostly took place in the Sinai and the Golan Heights, territories that had been occupied by Israel.
  • Oslo Accords

    Oslo Accords
    The Oslo Accords are a set of agreements between the Government of Israel and the Palestine to establish peace
  • Lebanon War

    Lebanon War
    Was a 34-day military conflict in Lebanon, Northern Israel and the Golan Heights