
Israel/Palestinian Conflict Timeline

  • U.N. Plan To Partition Palestine

    U.N. Plan To Partition Palestine
    On November 29th, 1947, The U.N. made a plan that would divide the land known as Palestine between the Palestinians and the Jewish. This was the beginning of a long and ongoing crisis.
  • Israel Declares Independence

    Israel Declares Independence
    On May 14th, 1948, The Israeli peopled signed their official declaration of independence, which was a direct cause of the following Arab/Israeli war.
  • Arab/Israeli war

    Arab/Israeli war
    Following Israels declaration of independence, numerous middle-eastern countries joined together in an attack against Israel. In the end, Israel would stand victorious.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    In October of 1956, the Egyptians cut off access of the Suez canal due to the U.S. pulling back funds to help build a dam. The Israeli would go on to not only help stop the crisis, but also take over land along the way.
  • Foundation of the PLO

    Foundation of the PLO
    On May 28th, 1964, The Palestine Liberation Organization was formed to help the Palestinians take Palestine from the Israeli
  • Six-Day War

    Six-Day War
    On June 5th, 1967, Israel was attacked by numerous other middle-eastern countries. By the 6th day of conflict, Israel had not only won, but it had taken over a considerable part of the middle-east, which they were later forced to give back.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    In 1973, Egypt and Syria led an attack against Israel. Like previous wars, Israel managed to defeat their enemies and conquer land on the way (Which they once again had to give back)
  • Lebanon War

    Lebanon War
    In 1982, The Israeli invaded Lebanon after numerous PLO attacks with origins in the area. By the end of the war, the Israeli had eliminated most of the PLO from Lebanon and returned back to Israel
  • Oslo Accord

    Oslo Accord
    In 1993, The leaders of the Israeli and the Palestinians, came together to try to make an agreement to solve the conflict between the two. It was the first face to face meeting between the two