Israel/Palestine Timeline

  • Period: to

    Paleistinain and Israeli Conflict

  • UN Partition Plan

    UN Partition Plan
    Great Britain handed over the reins to the UN to decide the standing of Israel. They divided up the land between the Israelis and paleistines to stop the conflict. The outcome after all the discussing was that Israel could be granted their independence.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    (June 5th - June 10th) Palestinian groups started to started to send attacks on Israel. This was because of the outcome with the UN Partition. The warfare went on for 6 days and the Israeli took almost one million Palestinians in to refugee camps after the period of fighting.
  • UN Resolution 242

    UN Resolution 242
    After the past conflict the UN stepped in and was determinded to put a stop to this warfare. They stepped in and began negotiating. They Israelis said they would accept peace for their land back. The UN discussed this and gave them their land back and gave the rest to its original people.
  • Munich Olympic Games

    Munich Olympic Games
    8 Palestinian terriosts killed 2 members of the Israel Olympic team. They were stopped by forces after killing multiple hostages. Many beleive that this if because the UN let the Israels have their holy land back. The offenders were put into custody for 2 months and then relased.
  • Camp David I

    Camp David I
    The past 2 years Israel had been in warfare, there had also been alot of signings to stop the fighting. None of them ever stopped it. This was the end all be all of peace treaties. They met up at Camp David to talk about it on Sept 5th. Then was offically signed on Sept 17th. After signing the treaty, Anwar Sadat was awarded the peace award for ending a long conflict.
  • Oslo Accords

    This was a meeting of people who were in warfare. They didnt get along so Bill Clinton hosted a get-together so they could talk about how to work this out. Many people beleived that they would ever work it out because they each had so many things they wanted. Yitzhak Rabin shook hands with Yasser Arafat to complete the plan to have peace between them.
  • Al-Aqsa Intifada

    Al-Aqsa Intifada
    If they thought it was over you were wrong. They weren't even close. The government many have put restrictions to keep the peace but the citizens sure didn't agree with the descions of their prime minister Ariel Sharon. they revolted. Since the two countries are right next to each other they still fought. They didnt halt even with the newly signed pecae treaty.
  • Gaza Withdrawal

    Gaza Withdrawal
    Israel moved and left the war and tryed to get out and like before the warfare followed. They always had warfar. Considering that they couldnt get away. They soon fought back and the peace was gone again. The UN tryed to stop it again and they settled down for the better part of the next years.
  • Gaza War

    Gaza War
    The conflict between the Paleisinians and Israelis has been going on for decades and have been hurting both sides with pointless fighting. This was is what historians call the end all be all. This would set the stage for the next century, When the war was over no one really one. There really was no outcome. Why? Because both dies lost tons of supplies and civilans