
  • 1 CE

    Jesus is born

    Jesus is born in the small town of Bethlehem
  • 33

    Jesus the Messiah is crucified

    Jesus is crucified by Rome on a wooden cross
  • 70

    Jewish temple destroyed for the 2nd time

    After rebuilding the temple, Rome destroyed it again at the result of not worshipping Caesar.
  • 132

    Jews rebel again against emperor Hadrian

    They rebel against emperor Hadrian as the uprising of Bar Kokhba begins
  • 135

    Jewish Diaspora

    Rome forces Jewish population out of Israel. People scatter across Europe.
  • 135

    Israel renamed to Palestine

    After the Jews were forced out of Israel the Roman’s renamed the land to Palestine
  • 614

    Persia invades Palestine

    The new Persian empire invades Palestine and breaks the era of Byzantine rule
  • 691

    Arab Rule

    Arab people settle into now empty Palestine
  • 1099

    Crusaders battle in Israel

    Crusaders battle Arabs all across southwest Asia
  • 1517

    Ottoman rule

    400 years of Ottoman Empire domination
  • Britain takes control

    As result of World War One, Britain takes control of Israel
  • WWII begins

    Hitler comes to power in Germany and starts to invade Europe
  • Holocaust wipes out half of Jewish population

    Adolf Hitler kills millions of Jews
  • WWII ends

    After bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrenders.
  • Britain let’s Jews into Israel

    Shattered by WWII, Britain loses control of Israel, and Jews come into their promised land.
  • United Nations splits Israel

    The U.N. Splits Israel in half.
  • U.S.A. Aids Israel

    U.S.A. Aids Israel in Israel-Iraqi war with leftover supplies from WWII
  • The six-day war is fought

    Israel fights a six day war with multiple Arab nations.
  • Another war with Arab nations

    For the third time, the Arabs battle against Israeli commandos, gunmen, and infantry. And for the third time, they lose
  • Israeli commandos rescue hostages

    Israeli commandos rescue hundreds of hostage jews from German and Palestine gunmen
  • Israel gives back land in piece treaty

    After taking land from the war, Israel signs a piece treaty with the countries and gives back most of the land.
  • Arabs declare West Bank and Gaza while Jews ignore them

    After having land disputes for the past 20 years, the Arabs declare this land. But the Jews do not acknowledge this.
  • Israel attacked by Iraqi Scud missiles

    Iraqis launch missiles at Israel. Lots of people die.
  • Israel gives Arabs Gaza Strip and the West Bank

    After ignoring them for 18 years, Israel lets Arabs have this land
  • Week long war in Israel

    Arab Extremists and Israeli soldiers battle in Israel. U.S. helps Israel.
  • UAE establishes diplomatic relationship with Israel

    After years of war destroying southwest Asia, The United Arab Emirates have peace with Israel