Israel and Palestine Conflict

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    Prior to WW1

    Prior to WW1 Palestinian land was under the control of the Ottaman empire, dating back to the 16th century to the end of WW1
  • Zionism

    The movement of Zionism which is the idea of a Jewish State, was founded by Theodor Herzl.
  • The McMahon-Hussein Correspondence

    This was a series of letters written by the British promising that in return for suppporting them in fighting the Ottoman Empire, land that was owned by tthe Turks would be returned to the Arab Nationals.
  • Sykes-Picot Agreement

    Sykes-Picot Agreement
    This was the act of the land that had been owned by the Ottoman Empire was divided between French and British control. This contridicted the McMahon-Hussein correspondence.
  • The Balfour Decleration

    The Balfour Decleration
    This was the Britissh commitment of supporting the creation of a Jewish State in the Middle East.
  • Partition Plan

    The United Nations created a partition plan which was called the Resolution 181-demarcated, a Jewish state and an Arab state.
  • David Ben-Gurion

    David Ben-Gurion
    In May of 1948 the establishment of the state of Israel was recognised by the head of the World Zionist Movement, David Ben-Gurion.
  • Israel, Member of State

    After counterattacks by Israel, they had won a substantial area of land, claiming it as their new national borders. Then in May 1949 Israel was recognised as a member of state by the UN.
  • 6 day war

    6 day war
    In June of 1967, a six day war occured between Israel and the Arab states of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Following this short lived war, Israel captured the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula, displacing 500,000 Palestinians.
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    The First Intifada

    The first intifada occurred between 1987-1991, where the Palestinians tried to fight against the control of the Israelis, but did not succeed because of the lack of Military.
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    The Oslo Peace Process

    Between 1993-2001 teh Oslo Peace Process occured. TThe Oslo accords were signed which were a decleration of self-governing principles for the Plastienians and theIsraelis.
  • Assasination

    In 1995 a Israeli gunman assasinated Israeli Prime Minister Rabin, as he believed Rabin was a trator for agreeing to the peace process.
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    The Second Intifada

    Between 2000-2005 the second Intifada occurred. It was caused by an infurating visit of the Israeli opposition leaderr to the Temple mount.
  • Gaza Strip

    Gaza Strip
    In 2005 Israel withdrew all exisiting settlements from the Gaza Strip, although the Gaza Strip is still considered to be under occupation of the Israelis.
  • Donald trump

    Donald trump
    In December of 2017, current US president Donald Trup announced that he reconginisedd Jerualem as Israel's capital which caused further contraversy and portests.