The sad history Israel

By Coan
  • 66


    The king of Rome wanted to be a god and Jews can only serve one god and one god only.
  • 135

    The Jewish diaspora

    This was when the Jews scattered because Julius Cesar wanted to be a god and the Jews cant do that according to there religion. This made them revolt and lose in war on multiple occasions then Rome kicked them out.
  • 614

    Persian invasion

    The Persians try to invade Israel and successfully took Israel
  • 1517

    Ottermen rule

    The ottermen took tule in 1517 and kept Israel until 1917
  • Jewish laws

    The Jewish laws were written down
  • First Aliya

    Russian Jews start to immigrate into Israel. This happened because pogroms in Russia.
  • British rule

    The British take Israel from the Ottermen after the win in World War I.
  • Hebrew university of Jerusalem opened on Mount Scopus

  • Arab terrorists attack

    Hebron Jews were massacred by Arab terrorists 133 Jews died and 110 Arabs died
  • Anti-Jewish riots

    Riots start by the Arab terrorists.
  • Holocaust in Europe

    The WWII holocaust start and Nazis take control. They start to blame the Jews for the lose of WWI
  • UN proposes the Arab and Jewish states.

    To keep peace the UN trys to separate the two
  • Mass immigration from Europe and Arab countries

    This was because they were getting killed and Israel was there safe space
  • End of British mandate

    The British no longer can afford to keep control of Israel
  • War of Independence

    The tension between the Jews and the Palestinians boil over causing a civil war
  • Yom Kippur War

    The palestians were hoping to get back the land that they lost
  • Isreal - Egypt peace treaty

    After there war they both came to the conclusion not to fight.