

  • United Nations Partition Plan

    United Nations Partition Plan
    The United Nations Partition Plan was going to separate the state into two parts Arabs and Jewish states. Jerusalem would be under international control. This plan was not successful because they felt as the land was not divided fair.
  • First Arab-Israel war

    First Arab-Israel war
    Once Israel gained independence the fighting began with Arab forces. The Jews hoped to jain land the belonged to Palestine.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    Israel occupied the Gaza Strip the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, Golan Heights of Syria the West banks and the Arabs part of East Jerusalem. By the time the United- Nations ceased fire Israel had doubled in size.
  • Jewish settlements begin to arise

    Jewish settlements begin to arise
    Jewish settlements are being built on Palestine’s Territory. Causing more bitterness and anger among Palestinians.
  • Camp David accords

    Camp David accords
    A Framework for peace in the Middle East. Self-governing authority in the West banks and Gaza stripes. Palestinians was not a part of the talk.
  • Oslo Agreement

    Oslo Agreement
    A direct talk happened between Israel and Palestine and they a document was written on things they where going to agree on. The first thing was that Israel troops should withdraw from the West banks and The Gaza Strip. The second thing was that PLO recognizes Israel and Israel recognizes the PLO. Hamas rejects the Oslo agreement and bombs Israel.
  • Camp David

    Camp David
    Takes place in the United States. Wanted to dispute, borders, Jerusalem, and refugees. Israel offered the Gaza strip, Most of the West banks but wanted to keep major settlement blocks and most of East Jerusalem. But Palestine wanted “right of return” of Palestine refugees.
  • Israel begins building barrier

    Israel begins building barrier
    Israel beings building a barrier around the West banks. The built the barriers to avoid getting attacked by Palestine. Palestine sees it as Israel trying to get more land.
  • Israel withdraws from Gaza

    Israel withdraws from Gaza
    Israel withdraws all Jewish settlements and their military from the Gaza Strip. While retaining the airspaces, costal waters and borders.
  • Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital

    Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital
    U.S president Donald Trump revered decades and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This decision will cause more conflict in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.