
By DEZyboy
  • 4004 BCE


    In Genesis God created the whole entire world in only seven days which is why our mighty God is all powerful and is the one true God. He is the one who allows there to be breath in your lungs and created us and knew what would become of us before we actually started to form that's the power of God. He created the world and on the seventh day he rested and said that it was very good.
  • 2349 BCE

    The flood

    In 2349bc in Genesis God sent a flood to destroy the planet because of all the people disbelieving in him and not trying to be righteous and follow his rules they decided to chose other things over him and called Noah one of God's servants that he was a mad man or crazy to think that there was a God. So God was furious and decided to destroy the earth with a huge flood that would destroy all the unbelievers. So Noah is told to build an ark and on the day of the flood all the
    unbelievers die.
  • 2166 BCE


    Abraham was a righteous man of God and obeyed him very well in the book of Genesis Abraham left Ur and went to follow God to where he was being led and God told him that his descendants will be like the stars in the sky and the sand on the beach. After a few years Abraham had a son named Isaac and God said to Abraham to go onto the mountain and crucify his only son to Him. So Abraham faithfully did as told but when he was about to rose his knife an angel stopped him and God placed a lam instead.
  • 1728 BCE


    In the book of Genesis it tells us about a man named Joseph who was bought into slavery by his brothers who hated him for being their father's favorite. Then when the 11 brothers went back to their father they lied and said that Joseph was killed by wolves because they put some lam blood on the coat that Jacob gave Joseph. After a while in Egypt Joseph was appointed as the second most powerful person in Egypt after the pharaoh and this is how Joseph saves Egypt and his own family from famen.
  • 1446 BCE


    Moses was a man tending t his sheep when the Lord God called him from a burning bush and as Moses stayed with God, God asked him to free his people from Egypt. So Moses even without the strongest faith took a big step and went to Egypt and after a while freed God's people. Then came the journey to the promised land and Moses led them for 40 yrs. till they got there.
  • 1445 BCE

    The Ten Commandments.

    When Moses and the Israelites arrived at Canaan Moses first went up Mount Sinai and that's when God gave him the ten commandments but as Moses was going down he saw the Israelites worshiping an idle cow made of gold. Moses got mad and slammed the commandments on the floor and they broke. So then Moses was punished and went back up Mount Sinai and got back the ten commandmeants and was burried up there by God's hand.
  • 1406 BCE

    Settling Canaan

    When all of the Exodus was finished Joshua took over as leader and was another Godly man. So he led Israel into conquering Canaan under God's hand. So than they listened to God and Canaan was their's.
  • 1011 BCE


    At the time of everyone was just chilling David became king under God's command and so before that though there was a troublesome man by the name of Goliath and he was a giant who was terrifying all of Israel because of his size and typical strength. So God called to David and after encouragement David goes onto the field with God on his side and hits Goliath in the head with a pebble and than slices his head off.
  • 931 BCE

    Solomon and Building a Temple

    Once David past his son Solomon who was granted one wish from God as a gift and he asked for wisdom and throughout his years it was worth it and he even built a temple for God to glorify Him.
  • 931 BCE

    The Division of The Kingdom

    Solomon was trying his best to keep the kingdom together but in this time is the time that the Kingdom of Israel was seperated into different kingdoms so than thats how the kingdom's divided dont really no why but.
  • 722 BCE

    The Assyrian Conquest of Israel

    In this time of 722BC the Assyrians swept out of the north and captured the Northern Kingsdom of Israel and to the ten tribes captive.
  • 709 BCE

    Sennacarib Vs. Hezekiah

    In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah’s reign, Sennacherib king of Assyria attacked all the fortified cities of Judah and captured them. 14 So Hezekiah king of Judah sent this message to the king of Assyria at Lachish: “I have done wrong. Withdraw from me, and I will pay whatever you demand of me.
  • 586 BCE

    Babylonian Conquest of Juda

    Led by King Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonians attacked Jerusalem and took captive many rich, educated, and powerful families in Jerusalem. Chapter 24 in 2 Kings marks the “beginning of the end” for Judah. During this time, the prophet Lehi warned the people about the total destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon.
  • 540 BCE

    The Exile

    In this time Nebuchadnezzar had sent a lot of Babylonians into exile for seventy years and than the Lord says: “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place.
  • 538 BCE


    At this time there was a man named Daniel and he went to babylon and being a godly person he was not liked because in Babylon people hated him for believing in the one true God. So David was thrown in ca lion's den but was unharmed because God had closed the mouths of the lions so they would not harm Daniel which was a very significant bthing to be seen.
  • 535

    Cyrus the Great

    In this time Cyrus the Great was a poerful name known across the kingdoms cyrus was the King of Assyria and was a very powerful one at that and had a huge army and being blood thirsty went out to c0onquer more and more kingdoms when Tomyris led her armies to defend against an attack by Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid Empire, and, according to Herodotus, defeated and killed him. And that was the end of the greatest empire of history.