
By Bronx4
  • Start of the Intifada

    The Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, beginning in 1987.
  • Jewish Legion

    Jewish Legion
    a zionist group called the Jewish Legion helped Great Britain conquer Palestine.
  • Arab Revolt begins

    Arab Revolt begins
    The people revolted against the mandetory power Britian had placed in Israel.
  • Initiation of Arab League Boycott

    Initiation of Arab League Boycott
    Protesting the Jewish community of Palestine.
  • Jewish State

    Jewish State
    Britain surrendered control of the area to the Jewish and Arab inhabitants
  • Declaration of the State of Israel

    Declaration of the State of Israel
    Established the Jewsish state of Palestine
  • Period: to

    Outbreak of War of Independence

    It was over the land and who wold be able to have it
  • Israel gained membership in the United Nations

    Israel gained membership in the United Nations
    reaty gave Egypt the Gaza Strip, and gave Jordan West Bank and East Jerusalem.
  • Israel cut off from trade

    Egypt closed the Suez Canal, cutting Israel off from trade
  • PLO

    Creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization
  • Hebron

    Establishment of Jewish settlement in Hebron
  • Period: to

    Yom Kippur War

    Egypt and Syria opened a coordinated surprise attack against Israel. The equivalent of the total forces of NATO in Europe were mobilized on Israel's borders.
  • Israel recognized as a nation

    Israel recognized as a nation
    Egypt and Isreal signed a treaty in which Israel was recognized as a nation, the first time an arabic nation had done this, and Israel returned Sinai to Egypt.
  • Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    Egypt-Israel peace treaty signed
  • start of Lebanon War

    start of Lebanon War
    Began on 6 June 1982, when the Israel Defense Forces invaded southern Lebanon. The Government of Israel launched the military operation after the Abu Nidal Organization's assassination attempt against Israel's ambassador to the United Kingdom
  • Madrid Peace Conference

    A conference in Madrid, on Oct. 30, 1991, that initiated a phase of the Middle East peace process.
  • Israel and Vatican sign “Fundamental Agreement”

    Israel and Vatican sign “Fundamental Agreement”
    It deals with the property rights and tax exemptions of the Roman Catholic Church within Israeli territory
  • “Second Intifada” begins

    “Second Intifada” begins
    uprising by Palestinian Arabs; widespread Palestinian violence
  • Operation Defensive Shield

     Operation Defensive Shield
    large-scale military operation conducted by the Israel Defense Forces in 2002, during the Second Intifada.The operation was an attempt by the Israeli army to stop the increasing deaths from terrorist attacks, especially in suicide bombings
  • Second Lebanon War

    Second Lebanon War
    Hezbollah sparks the second Lebanon War when they cross the border into Israel and attack an Israeli military patrol, killing eight soldiers and kidnapping two others
  • Benjamin Netanyahu

    Benjamin Netanyahu
    Sworn in as Israel's prime minister
  • 2012 Kadima leadership election

     2012 Kadima leadership election
    Shaul Mofaz defeats Tzipi Livni in the election for the leadership of the Kadima party.
  • Elections

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached an agreement with the Head of Opposition Shaul Mofaz for Kadima to join the current government, thus canceling the early election supposed to be held in September.