
  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    I always received a secure attachment type. My family always make sure that I am included in everything, so that way I easily express my feelings to my family because I trust them and never feel betrayed by them. I was taught to not worry about others not to accept me. Until I became a dorm student where I got away from family and got close with friends more. I experienced reject and that got me messed up with trust issues. My attachment type became a preoccupied one because of that.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    In that date, I experienced from individualistic to the integrated stage in the unintentional transition of seeing my closest member of the family, my grandpa died due to a serious condition which it was cancer. I was kind of already expected to experience this kind of situation because my grandpa was getting old and I knew that I couldn't expect him to stay alive. It was just unexpected that he had to die because of cancer and I was in a high school. I thought he would live a little more.
  • The Beginning

    On the day, I turned 18 years old and I thought I officially became an adult just because I was 18 years old. Based on chronological age, 18 years old is when you are allowed to sign yourself without asking parents permission and allowed to vote. With the normative age-graded stage, at that around age, we are supposed to go to college or work to continue the transition into adulthood and go on. That is why I thought 18 years old is when you will become an adult with a lot of the transitions.
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    My closest grandma passed away unexceptionally. I was very shocked and couldn't stop crying. I was kind of out of control by thinking why did it happen to my grandma. That gave me a lot of stress by thinking and crying constantly. The only thing I can cope with this kind of situation is socializing. It is social coping, to be with people with their help for my emotional support. It is effective for me nowadays. When I am upset, I like to be with people who distract me.
  • 2.3- My current healthy lifestyle

    My current healthy lifestyle is not good because I don't eat a lot of fruits or vegetables. I also don't get 150 minutes of exercise each week. But I do eat 3 meals with low quality food since I am at college which I can't expect them providing us a good meal. I also play soccer for my university but that is the only thing I exercise during the season. As of right now, I need to change my habit by going to the grocery and get good food and exercise regularly.
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    I am currently in emerging adulthood because I am trying different experiences as much as I can before committing to something that is permanent. Different experiences help me to understand who I am better and know what I want or what I love. Some things are challenges for me such as working as a part-time because I have to show up to work sometimes to understand what is like to work and imagine that as a full time. It is good to learn and be prepare for the future.
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    I am more of a preoccupied attachment type. I like to be close to my family and friends. I like to get the same thing in return of what I give them my value, affection, and other things. I often get worried when they don't value or care me as much as I do for them. For example, I always give some compliments to my family and friends and I like when they do the same thing to me. I always believe in giving each other the same energy. If that doesn't happen then the attachment will become loose.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    In the stages of Fowler's Faith theory, I am currently in the individuative-reflective faith. I am at where people are diversity, sharing the cultures, perspectives, and thoughts. That causes me to question my beliefs and very curious about others' values and beliefs. Looking around the different things could lead to being independent and that creates my own beliefs and values whatever fits me the most. My beliefs or values can make changes in the future as I get older.
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    If I was one of the mad scientists out there and creating a vaccine that prevents all free radicals. At any age, you can get this vaccine anytime whenever you feel like to. If you want to die early, don't get this vaccine, if you want to live longer, get this vaccine. But if you get this vaccine before turning one year old, you'll live forever. That could increase the population in this Earth and maybe have to use Mars if it is overpopulation.
  • 2.2- Genetic Limits

    If I was one of the mad scientists out there and creating a pill that makes the telomeres stay the way it is when you were born. But you have to take a pill every day when you born, if you miss one, the telomeres will get shorter. If you take more than one pill, you will become a robot because taking more than one pill sends the message to our bodies that we want to live forever. Becoming a robot could cause a lot of problems such as miscommunication, no empathy, or and no connection.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type

    My RIASEC type is social, investigative, and realistic. The description of SIR does fit me because I like to work with people, like to help, train, develop, observe, learn, solve, work with hands, like outdoors, activities, and stuffs like that. The possible jobs that I would like to work are community health, teacher, and counseling. I am more than willing to work anything that is involved with people. I don't see myself working in the office.
  • 6.2 Super’s Stages

    If I was working at community health for a year then I would be in the Super's theory of the Establishment stage. That is where I would settle down with my new job and got a taste of the job. In that stage, I would more excited to work there for a while until I get used to it later. If I was working there for a few years, I probably would move to advanced job if they see good in me.
  • 6.4- Conscientious

    The conscientious stage is when you know your own ideas and standards of living. One of my classmates interviewed someone and that person already settle down with her life and is doing whatever she loves such as teaching at Gallaudet University. It is one of her passions that she would never get tired of it easily. In this stage is when we know what we like and don't worry about others' thoughts about it.
  • 6.3- Generativity

    One of my classmates interviewed someone and their generativity is showing care of others. But if someone abuses it then it is better off to not show it. It is like exchanging the energy to fill in each other fairly. Showing your kindness to people you like, when you reflect about it then you would feel good. That often happens when you stuck in the middle of something but thinking about what you have done in the past helps you to appreciate yourself more.
  • 2.4- Potential consequences of my lifestyle

    My current health lifestyle presents a risk in cancer because of tobacco use, and unhealthy diet. It is possible for me to get cancer if I continue this bad habit of using tobacco and continue eating poor food such as not eating enough fruits and vegetables daily. But again it is modified which means I can change it as soon as possible in order to prevent cancer in a high chance. It is time for me to eat more fruits and vegetables and quit smoking tobacco to avoid cancer.
  • 4.2- Older Adult Role Transition.

    As turning 50 years old, my children would be all on own with their lives. I probably would experience the empty nest and that would be challenging for me because it is strange to not have my children in the house. At least, my children will have their kids and I will take care of them when I can. Becoming a grandma is fun because it will remind my own kids and do kinds of stuff all over whatever I did to my kids.
  • 3.1 Working Memory

    Working memory is just a storage of memories such as remember important things. It would be a challenge with IADL if memory got worse. It would be hard to remember to take medication, do laundry, or other things. One of the things I can suggest to remember is putting down on the list and put that on the refrigerator or on the phone to remind myself.
  • 3.2 Attention

    Attention could be anything by from pay attention to important details to being talkative with people. Attention could decline when we get older by forgetting things. Using episodic memory could be less with attention because if someone asked about the event and you would provide a small explanation about the event because you don't pay attention or forget. To prevent this, be more active and be with people as much as you can to "exercise" your brain.
  • 8.1 The End

    Former Georgia resident Isabelle Jessie Troup, 72.
    No service will be served.
    Isabelle Troup was born on May 6, 1998, in Snellville, Georgia. Isabelle loved to be around with people as much as she could. She worked at Gallaudet University as a professor in Psychology for many years. She was one of the well-known people and everyone loved seeing her. She always stands out all by herself with no partner but with a lot of dogs that she always gets a lot of love from them.
    Rest in peace, Isabelle.