Is man destined to explore Outer Space ?

  • First space research flight (cosmic radiation experiments)

    First space research flight (cosmic radiation experiments)
    So, americain scientists really started to do important research in space and to wonder about space mystery.
  • First animal in orbit, the dog Laïka

    First animal in orbit, the dog Laïka
    The USSR sent the dog "Laika" in space, it is the first living being to fly in orbit around the Earth.
  • First sample return from the moon and human on the moon

    First sample return from the moon and human on the moon
    "This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind"
    Neil Armstrong was the first human being to go to the moon and he also took back a sample of the moon.
  • First photograph of Earth from orbit

    First photograph of Earth from orbit
    The USA is the first Nation that took a picture of the Earth which is a gigantic progress at this time.
  • First solar probe

    First solar probe
    First probe that has been send near the sun. It aims at collecting informations for a month, for the scientists.
  • First human spaceflight

    First human spaceflight
    Yuri Gargarin is the first human being to go to space that is a big step for Russia which is in competition with the USA.
  • First human-piloted space flight (Alan Shepard)

    First human-piloted space flight (Alan Shepard)
    On may 5, 1961, Alan Shepard became the first human-piloted space flight.
  • First crewed spacecraft

    First crewed spacecraft
    That really means something in the space exploration because there were a lot of failures before it succeed, and a lot of people died because of that.
  • First mission to enter asteroid belt and leave inner solar systeme

    First mission to enter asteroid belt and leave inner solar systeme
    Fifty years ago, on July 15, 1972, Pionner 10 became the first spacecraft to reach the asteroid belt.
  • First Uranus flyby

    First Uranus flyby
    Voyager 2 was the first human-made object to fly past the planet Uranus.
  • First spacewalk by woman, Svetlana Savitskaya

    First spacewalk by woman, Svetlana Savitskaya
    Svetlana Savitskaya was the first woman to go to space, that is a lot of progress, not only for space exploration but also for feminism.
  • First photograph of the whole Solar System

    First photograph of the whole Solar System
    Forty years after the first picture of the Earth, the USA and the ESA took a picture of the whole solar system, it really shows the progress.
  • First operational rover on another planet

    First operational rover on another planet
    Hitching a ride on the Mars Pathfinder mission, the Sojourner rover arrived on the Red Planet on July, 4, 1997. The mission served as the foundation for the Mars rovers of today.