
  • Iris is born

    Iris is born
    I was born on February 21st 2002. I was born sometime in the afternoon.
  • Got teeth

    Got teeth
  • Moved into Green House

    Moved into Green House
    Moved out of the house I was born in
  • Made life Long friend Hannah

    Made life Long friend Hannah
  • Parents got Divorced

    Parents got Divorced
  • Learned to Read

    Learned to Read
  • Moved into Sparkletown

    Moved into Sparkletown
    My mom called our new house "Sparkletown" to get us excited about the move after the divorce
  • Developed a Very Early Office Obsession

    Developed a Very Early Office Obsession
  • Got a Dog

    Got a Dog
    I got a puppy in 3rd grade.
  • Dad Remarried

    Dad Remarried
    My dad remarried one of my mom's old friends.
  • Obama Reelected

    Obama Reelected
    When Obama ran, i was a very passionate fan. Still am.
  • Mom Remarried

    Mom Remarried
    Mom married a stone carver, Cary Shafer.
  • Rode an Elephant

    Rode an Elephant
  • Went to Towles

    Went to Towles
    I left Catholic School and attended Towles.
  • Zelda went to college

    Zelda went to college
    My older sister Zelda started college.
  • Went to Colorado

    Went to Colorado
  • Cut all my hair off

    Cut all my hair off
    Cut off 15 inches of my hair
  • Made some forever friends

    Made some forever friends
  • Began HighSchool

  • Got a job at Yummy Bunni

    Got a job at Yummy Bunni
  • Went to NYC

    Went to NYC
    Myah, my brother and I saw David Hallberg perform in Romeo and Juliette. My brother danced in London and New York all summer.
  • Saw Beyonce

    Saw Beyonce