4000 BCE
primitive time
believed that illness and disease were caused by supernatural spirits and demons -
Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
primitive times
tribal with doctors treated illness with ceremonies to drive out evil spirits -
3075 BCE
primitive times
average life span was 20 years -
3035 BCE
primitive times
herbs and plants used as medicine, and some are still used today -
3030 BCE
primitive times
trepanation or trephining was used to treat insanity and epilepsy. -
Period: 3000 BCE to 300 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
earliest people known to maintain accurate health records -
2676 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
physicians were priests who studied medicine and surgery in temple medical schools. -
2635 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
believed Imhotep was the first physician
born in 2635 BC
died maybe in 2595 BC -
2001 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
believed the body was a system of channels for air, tears, blood, urine, sperm and feces. -
2000 BCE
Ancient Chinese
used moxibustion to treat disease -
1976 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
average lifespan was 20 to 30 years -
Period: 1700 BCE to 220
Ancient Chinese
recorded a pharmacopeia of medications based mainly on the use of herbs -
1679 BCE
Ancient Chinese
average life span was 20 to 30 years -
Period: 1200 BCE to 200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
began medical science by observing the human body and effects of disease -
1100 BCE
Ancient Greeks
average life span was 25 to 35 years -
1000 BCE
Ancient Greeks
stressed diet and cleanliness as ways to prevent disease -
Period: 753 BCE to 410
Ancient Romans
first to organize medical care providing care for injured soldiers -
650 BCE
Ancient Romans
early hospitals developed when physicians cared for ill people in rooms in their homes -
460 BCE
Ancient Greeks
hippocrates- father of medicine
developed an organized method to observe human body
recorded signs and symptoms of many diseases
created a high standard of ethnics.
460 - 377 BC -
322 BCE
Ancient Greeks
aristotle dissected animals and is called the founder of comparative anatomy
384-322 BC -
100 BCE
Ancient Romans
began public health and sanitation systems;
created aqueducts
built sewers
used filitering systems -
Ancient Chinese
Religious prohibitions against dissection resulted in inadequete knowledge of body structure -
ancient romans
claudius galen
body regulated by fouiuds or humors; blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile.
imbalance in the humors resulted in illness
described symptoms of imflamation -
Ancient Chinese
used acupuncture, or a puncture of the skin from needles to relieve pain and congestion -
ancient romans
average life span was 25 to 35 years -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Ages
Emphasis was placed on saving the soul and the study of medicine was prohibited -
Dark Ages
prayer and divine intervention was used to treat illness and disease -
Dark Ages
average life span was 20 to 30 years -
Dark Ages
monks and priests provided custodial care for sick people -
Dark Ages
medications were mainly herbal mixtures -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Ages
renewed interest in the medical practice of greeks and romans -
Middle Ages
physicians began to obtain knowledge at medical universities in the 9th century -
Middle Ages
average life span was 20 to 35 years -
Middle Ages
major diseases were smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, the plague, and malaria -
Period: 1350 to
rebirth of science of medicine -
Middle Ages
Rhazes an arab physician became known as the arab Hippocrates
based diagnoses on observations f the signs and symptoms of disease
developed criteria for distinguishing between smallpox and measles -
average life span of 30 to 40 years -
dissection of the body began to allow a better understanding of anatomy and physiology -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th Centuries
causes of disease were still not known and many people died from infections and puerperal fever -
first book on dietetics written by isaac judaeus -
16th and 17th Centuries
Gabriel Fallopius -
identified the Fallopian tubes in the female
described the tympanic membrane in the ear -
first anatomy book was published by Andreas Vesalius -
16th and 17th Centuries
ambroie pare
french surgeon
father of medicine
established use of ligatures to bind arteries and stop bleeding -
16th and 17th Centuries
average lifespan was 35 to 45 years -
16th and 17th Centuries
william harvey described the circulation of blood to and from the heart -
Period: to
18th, 19th, 20th, 21st centuries
average life spans
18- 40 to 50
19th- 40 to 60
20th- 60 to 80
21st- 90 and beyond -
18th, 19th, 20th, 21st centuries
18th century
1. james lind prescribed lime juice containing vitamin C to prevent scurvy
2. Dr. Jessee Bennet performed the first succesful Cesarean section operation to deliver an infant in 1794
3. Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first mercury thermometer -
18th, 19th, 20th, 21st centuries
19th century
1. International Red Cross was founded in 1863
2. American Medical Association was formed in Phildelphia in 1847
3. first succesful blood transfusion was performed on humans in 1818 by james blundell -
18th, 19th, 20th, 21st centuries
20th century
1. first Heart- Lung machine was used for open heart surgery in 1953
2. First successful kidney transplant in humans performed by joseph Murray
3. the first successful heart transplant was performed by Christian Barnard in 1967 -
18th, 19th, 20th, 21st centuries
21st century
1. adult stemd were used in transplant in the treatment of disease in early 2000
2. NCI started a project to map genes associated with cancer
3. POTENTIAL- cures for AIDS, cancer and heart disease are found