World War 1
The British Navy changed the fuel for it's battleships from Coal to oil. Britain aggressively expands it's oil holdings in the Middle East. -
The League of Nations
It awarded the British and mandate to govern areas of the Middle East including Iraq. -
Iraq Evolution
The Iran Evolution was a big event and also very violent. Several gas attacks had occurred. -
The American Invasion
There is an American Invasion and occupation of Iraq. This pushed the country to the brick and made it impossible to get security in some parts of the country. -
The Gulf War
The significant loss of Iranian people that led to poverty and unemployment. There was a use of hazardous materials during the war that affected health around the country. -
There was conflict with the Iraq government and unsuccessful bids in the North Iraqi resistance. -
Chalabi brought forces to invade Iraq from the south. -
The terrorist attack which caused discrimination and stereotypes towards Iroquoians. -
Healthcare System
The Iroquoian healthcare system experienced a severe shortage. -
August 2004
1,000 schools needed to be rebuilt due to damage and destruction towards buildings. Provided no education to teach children. Many parents were worried for their child's safety, due to kidnappings.