Iphone 4 hero 4x3 1 583f9d743df78c02302822f6


By Kyle2x
  • iphone 3G

    iphone 3G
    Apple upgraded the original iPhone in 2008 with a complete redesign and support for 3G networks finally allowing users to download files and surf the web faster.
  • iPhone 3GS

    iPhone 3GS
    The iPhone 3GS, launched in 2009, had an S for "speed." It featured a faster processor than its predecessor and was able to cruise on even faster 3G networks that were beginning to approach 4G speeds.
  • iphone 4

    iphone 4
    The iPhone 4, launched in 2010, introduced yet another redesign, this time with a glass body. It's the first time Apple included its sharp "Retina Display" and support for Face Time. It's also the phone that made headlines for "antenna gate" because cell service dropped if you held it the wrong way.
  • iPhone 4s

    iPhone 4s
    The iPhone 4S made its debut in 2011. This time the S didn't stand for speed, but rather for "Siri," Apple's brand new voice assistant. The iPhone 4 featured better cameras, too.
  • iPhone 5

    iPhone 5
    With the iPhone 5, launched in 2012, Apple once again shifted the design of its iPhone. It changed from a 30-pin charging port to the current Lightning port. It also added LTE support for new 4G networks.
  • iPhone 5s

    iPhone 5s
    The iPhone 5s launched in 2013 and was the first iPhone to support Touch ID, Apple's fingerprint reader technology, and a new M7 motion processor that allowed users to track their steps throughout the day.
  • iPhone 5c

    iPhone 5c
    The iPhone 5C was also introduced in 2013 and was marketed as Apple's fun and more affordable iPhone with a plastic shell. It didn't offer as much storage as the other i Phones and also didn't have Touch ID.