Period: to
Joined the Appsinclass Team
Lee Grafton, PSUSD Ed Tech Specialist asked me, Bhavini Patel, to join the Appsinclass team and become an iPad Jedi Master. -
iBooks Webinar Training
Attended a webinar hosted by San Diego County Office of Education on iBooks Author Application. -
First Appsinclass Meeting
First time meeting other members from the team. Planned our first BYOD training for PSUSD district for the school year. -
Appinclass Website Maintenance
My turn to update information on the Appsinclass team and write a review for an app recommendation on behalf of the team for App of the Week. -
iPad Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Training provided various sessions participants could attended from app recommendations, classroom management to getting started with the iPad and using Splashtop Whiteboard. Each of the Jedi Masters led these sessions in pairs. -
Appinclass Meeting- eBooks
Planned out our job assignements for the publication of our first set of eBooks. As a team we planned out the apps we would be presenting in our books. Then individually we wrote chapters which included overview of apps, classroom implementation ideas and video tutorials. -
Appinclass Website Maintenance
My turn to update the information on the Appsinclass website and write a review for an app recommendation on behalf of the team for App of the Week. -
"Systematic Implementation of iPads: Substitution, Volume 1" Published on iTunes U
Our first eBook was published and available for download on iTunes U. The chapter I wrote was the Drawing Apps. -
Host AppsinClass Meeting
Plan out our next three volumes for our SAMR eBook and plan our next district trainings. -
SAMR iBook 2: Augmentation
All team members submitted their chapters for this ebook for publication. The chapter I wrote was Study Support & Resources. -
Trailblazers Training
Jedi Masters give a district training to the iPad Trailblazers. -
Appsinclass Website Maintenance
My turn to update the Appsinclass website and write a review for an app recommendation for App of the Week. -
SAMR iBook 3: Modification
All contents for iBook 3 were submitted for publication. My assigned chapter was Mapping. -
iPad 101 Training
I gave a training on the iPad Basics to the staff at Two Bunch Palms Elementary at PSUSD. -
SAMR iBook 4: Redefinition
All team members submitted their chapter for publication for iBook 4. My assigned chapter was eBook Writing. -
Jedi Masters accepted into NETS-T Program
Jedi Masters selected in the first round of training for the NETS-T Certification for PSUSD. -
CUE 2013 Conference
Attended CUE 2013. -
Present Sessions at CUE 2013
iPad Jedi Masters presented 3 sessions at CUE 2013. The session I presented with two fellow Jedi Masters was about 36 apps every teacher should use. -
Single iPad Classroom Training
I provided a training for elementary school teachers at Two Bunch Palms Elementary in PSUSD how to use 1 iPad in the classroom. -
Appsinclass Website Maintenance
My turn to update the Appsinclass website and write an review for an app recommendation for the App of the Week. -
Appsinclass Google Hangout Meeting
Plan the agenda for district Trailblazer meeting and plan EdCampPS. -
Trailblazer Training
Jedi Masters provide an end of the year district training to the iPad Trailblazers. -
Appsinclass Website Maintenance
My turn to update the Appsinclass website and write a review for an app recommendation for the App of the Week. -
EdCampPS hosted by Appsinclass Team
EdCampPS at James Workman Middle School in Palm Springs from 9am to 3pm. -
California Science Education Conference 2013
iPad Jedi Masters will present sessions at the California Science Education Conference. Our sessions will be connecting science apps to use in the classroom.