Release private beta for testing
Ticket Cake launches
1,500 gourmet cupcakes passed out to ticket buyers to promote launch
First 60 second sell-out for Deadmau5 show
Founders invited to visit Downtown Project
First part-time developer hired
Founders move to downtown Las Vegas and relocate the company
Ticket Cake closes $200,000 seed round with VegasTechFund and Zeke Dumke
Second part-time developer hired
iOS check-in app launched
First 25,000 person event — Fremont Street Experience New Year's Eve
$1M in total processing
Awarded Tech Transplant of the Year
Ticket Cake closes $200,000 bridge round with VegasTechFund
Super KPI shift to revenue produced by Ticket Cake advertising
Named 9 Hottest Startups in Las Vegas by Business Insider