
Inventions Timeline Project

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The steam engine was invented by James Watt in Scotland. The impact that the steam engine had on society was that it powered ships, railroads, and anything that needed an engine. It made everything go faster than it did before. The invention is still being used today, it is used to power ships and railroads.
  • Steamboat

    The steamboat was invented by Robert Fulton in New York. The impact on society was that now you transport goods and other things much faster than you could before. It made sea travel much more efficient than in the past. It is still being today, but there are not many remaining.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    DeWitt Clinton opened the erie canal in Albany, New York. The impact that the canal had on society was that it served many purposes. You could live on it and go from city to city while the father fished, and the mother cooked. You could also go along it for pleasure. And lastly, it was used as a method of transporting goods. The erie canal is still in use today and used by many ships.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    The mechanical reaper was invented by Cyrus McCormick in Rockbridge Virginia. The impact it had on society was that it made farmer’s lives so much easier. It was able to harvest crops much more efficiently than farmers could by hand. The mechanical reaper is not still being used today but it inspired the inventions of many other harvesting machines and it painted the way for agricultural inventions.
  • Railroads

    Railroads were invented by John Stevens in New Jersey. The impact that the railroads had on society was that now you can travel from place to place across the country much faster than you used to be able to. Instead of riding a horse, or walking, now you could get hop on a train, and ride it all the way to your destination. Railroads are still being used today, it is a great method of transportation and is used across the country
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    John Deere invented the steel plow in Grand Detour, Illinois. The impact it had on society was that it helped out farmers. It could move soil that wood plows could not. The Steel Plow is still being used today by many farmers. And people use the steel plow to get the snow off of the roads when a snowstorm comes
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse in New York. The impact it had on society was that it allowed instantaneous communication between you and someone across the country instead of writing letters. It is not still being used today, but it has led to the inventions of the computer and the telephone.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel F. B. Morse invented morse code in New York. The impact it had on society was that Morse Code allowed the U.S to send secret messages during WW1. Also, it allows ships to communicate today if the radio systems are down and the ship has crashed. The invention is still being used today by ship captains. They must learn Morse Code to become a captain because if the radio systems go out, they can still communicate using Morse Code.
  • Vulcanized Rubber

    Vulcanized Rubber
    The inventor of vulcanized rubber was Charles Goodyear. It was invented in Massachusetts. The impact it had on society was that it now saved people from drowning. Goodyear had a mission to save the lives of people and made a life preserver made out of this rubber to stop people from drowning. It is being used by all of the cars and it is also being used for life preservers today.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Elias Howe invented the sewing machine in New Hartford, NY. The impact it had on society was that it fixed clothes that had holes in them. It made life back then so much easier because instead of spending all that time making or buying new clothes by hand, you can now do it quickly and with a machine. The invention is still being used today and anybody who sews uses one of these inventions