Inventions Timeline

  • Period: to

    Timespan of the Industrial Revolution

  • The Spinning Jenny | Source:

    The Spinning Jenny | Source:
    The Spinning Jenny was a spinning machine that was different from the traditional spinning wheel because it had the technology to thread yarn and other strings from eight spindles instead of only one. The spinning Jenny was the first in a long line of machines that would enable high-quality thread to be produced at a mass scale which had massive impacts on the fabric and clothing industry.
  • The Watt Steam Engine | Source:

    The Watt Steam Engine | Source:
    James Watt and Matthew Boulton modified the old steam engine designs until they had perfected a separate condenser which increased the power and efficiency of the machine. The steam engine, and the Watt Steam Engine in particular, were such massive inventions because they enabled the creation of so many more inventions down the line
  • The Power Loom | Source:

    The Power Loom | Source:
    Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom, a weaving machine that doubled the speed of producing cloth, in 1785. The power loom revolutionized the textile industry in Great Britain. Textile factories all over the country bought Cartwright’s invention and with over 50,000 power looms in factories around the country, Britain became the country able to produce cloth cheaper than any other country on the planet.
  • The Cotton Gin | Source:

    The Cotton Gin | Source:
    Eli Whitney created the cotton gin in 1794 to increase the input of materials to the newly mechanized textile industry. When the textile industry was mechanized by previous inventions such as the Spinning Jenny and power loom, the cotton gin was key to supplying it. Before the cotton gin, getting cotton took a long time, however, after its creation, the cotton gin made the process much faster and had massive impacts on the textile industry as a whole.
  • Gas Street Lighting | Source:

    Gas Street Lighting | Source:
    Fredrick Albert Windsor developed the idea of gas lighting, which was discovered by William Wurdock, in 1807 by setting up gas lamps along Pall Mall making it the first lit street in the world. The invention itself had a massive impact with other 40,000 lamps implemented in London by 1820. The creation of streetlights fundamentally changed the way we humans behave. After the creation of streetlamps, we as humans began venturing out at night and going out for entertainment, movies, and dinner.
  • The Electromagnet | Source:

    The Electromagnet | Source:
    William Sturgeon, a Canadian engineer inspired by Hans C. Orsted and Andre Ampere, created the first electromagnet in 1825. The magnet was a horseshoe coiled in an iron wire that would carry electricity that could demagnetize and remagnetize the iron wire. The strong magnetic force that the electromagnet produced was able to drive engines. This ability the drive engines made it a very valuable power source that could be used by many things including inventions such as the electrical telegraph.
  • The Locomotive I | Source:

    The Locomotive I | Source:
    George Stephenson owned a railroad company that used trains to transport code. He had the idea of transporting people the same his company transported coal so he developed the first locomotion in 1825. The Locomotion I ran its first route on the Northeast side of London traveling from Stockton to Darlington in 1825. Over the next few years as Stephenson’s original design evolved, the train began carrying thousands of people each day, changing the way people travel and communicate forever.
  • The First Photographic Camera | Source:

    The First Photographic Camera | Source:
    The camera Obscura took the first photograph, “View From the Window at Le Grass,” in 1826. Although cameras of a similar type had existed for some time, Joseph used a new technique called heliography to take the image created and put it on paper. The invention of photography revolutionized art on a fundamental level. Artists no longer focus on recreating the world as they saw it on a canvas, instead, they began to convey emotion and develop meanings and messages to tell through their works.
  • The Electrical Telegraph | Source:

    The Electrical Telegraph | Source:
    The telegraph was a communication machine with 20 letters that sent messages. The telegraph sent messages by signaling with needles using impulses sent down lines connecting 2 machines. The telegraph completely revolutionized communication and time. They greatly increased the speed of time that news could spread. Before the telegraph, clocks in the same city would all be slightly off, but after, all of them could sync with each other through the quick communication the telegraph made possible.
  • The Steam Hammer | Source:

    The Steam Hammer | Source:
    The steam hammer was a simple device that dropped and lifted a very precise and heavy hammer that was able to forge and bend large pieces of metal on an anvil plate. The accuracy of the hammer made it able to hit pieces of metal the same way every time which was essential for making and mass-producing new inventions like the locomotion and iron ships. This revolutionized the industrial production industry and completely changed the way that things were made.