
Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

  • (Watt) Steam Engine

    (Watt) Steam Engine
    Efficient steam engine that saved energy wastage.
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    early multiple-spindle machine for spinning wool or cotton.
  • Steamboat

    Pyroscaphe was the first steam boat, it was a paddle steamer powered by a Newcomen steam engine; it was built in France in 1783 by Marquis Claude de Jouffroy.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    Invented in 1785 by Edward Cartwright. The power Loom makes the clothes.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin in 1793. The Cotton Gin separated the sticky seeds from the fibers in short-staple cotton.
  • Locomotive

    a self-propelled, vehicular engine, powered by steam, a diesel, or electricity, for pulling or, sometimes, pushing a train or individual railroad cars.
  • Camera

    The first camera was invented by French inventor Nicéphore Niépce in 1825. It was the first device that could capture an image.
  • Telegraph

    any device or system that allows the transmission of information by coded signal over distance.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The first sewing machine was invented by Elias Howe in 1846. It helped the mass production of sewing machines and clothing.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Gram Bell invented the telephone in 1849. It could call people.
  • Dynamite

    invented by Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel in 1866 and was the first safely manageable explosive stronger than black powder.
  • Automobile

    First vehicle powered by gas engine. Created by Carl Benz in 1886.