Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

By apete
  • Photograph/camera

    Johann Zahn invented the camera in 1685. It wasn't originally invented to take pictures but to study optics
  • Watt Steam Engine

    Watt Steam Engine
    James Watt figured out a way to make steam engines work faster and more efficiently while burning less fuel.
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    James Hargreaves invented the spinning Jenny. The Spinning Jenny was a multiple-spindle machine for spinning wool or cotton
  • Power loom

    Power loom
    Edmund Cartwright invented the Power loom in 1785. It was used to speed up the production of cloth that was woven.
  • Steamboat

    John Fitch demonstrated the first working model of the steamboat concept in 1787. The steam boat was used to carry goods and passengers across the water easier than the traditional boat. It was almost used to travel up-river.
  • sewing Machine

    sewing Machine
    Thomas Saint invented the sewing machine in 1790. It was used to sew things together faster.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1794. It was used to speed up the process of removing the seeds from the cotton fiber.
  • Locomotive

    George Stephenson went to a coal mining facility to examine a steam boiler on wheels to haul coal out of the coal mines. After examining it he looked at it and he thought that it was too heavy and could not gain traction on the smooth wooden rails so he made multiple improvements therefore making the Locomotive.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse invented the Telegraph in 1843. It worked by transmitting electrical signals over wires laid between stations. The first telegraph was between Washington D.C. to Baltimore on May 24, 1844.
  • telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1849 it was invented to improve the capabilities of the telegraph.
  • Automobile

    Karal Friedrich Benz was one of the many inventors of the automobile in 1886. The automobile was used to get to places faster and more efficient compared to animals.
  • Dynamite

    Alfred Nobel invented Dynamite. It was used to break up rock in the coal mines