Inventions of the industrial revolution

By gavin b
  • the spinning jerry

    It is a one handed spinning tool that spindled 8 different wheels. James hargraving invented the spinning jenny in 1767
  • watt steam engine

    This invention was made in 1769, it was used so that the energy was not wasted for the trains.
  • power loom

    The power loom was invented by edmund cartwright in 1785. It was a basic loom but it was water powered to go faster.
  • cotton gin

    The cotton gin was invented by eli whitney in 1793 and it was used so that they could separate the cotton from the cotton seeds.
  • locomotive

    The locomotive was made to move heavy things faster on trains and then used on cars in 1804.
  • steamboat

    The steam boat was invented by robert fulton in 1807 designed to carry heavy cargo across the sea easier and safer then before.
  • camera

    The camera was invented by joseph niepce in 1816 used too take moments of time and take pictures of the people in them.
  • sewing machine

    The sewing machine was invented by bartholomew thimonnier in 1830. It was used to make different pieces of clothing for people with small threads of string.
  • telegraph

    The tele graph was a machine that was used to send messages to eachother in morse code. This was created by samuel morse in 1832.
  • dynimite

    Dynimite was invented by alfred nobel in 1867 which was used so that tunnels could easily be made in mountains for trains.
  • telephone

    The telephone was invented by alexander graham in 1875. It was used to talk to others that were on the other side of the line.
  • automobile

    The automobile was a very useful invention were the vehicle would take you from place to place very easily. It was invented by karl benz in 1885.