2016 BCE
Human Genome Project
The The Human Genome Project, which began in 1990, on June 2, 2016, scientists formally announced the Human-Written Genome Project, which began in 1990, on June 2, 2016, scientists formally announced the Human-Written Genome Project -
2003 BCE
Hybrid car
Hybrid car or car created by Toyota in 2003 -
1985 BCE
Windows (Operating System) was creaso by Microsoft in 1985 -
1982 BCE
Personal computer, computer or PC
Personal computer, computer or PC was created by IBM in 1982 -
1979 BCE
CD (Compact Disc) created by Sony-Philips in 1979 -
1976 BCE
Apple Computer
Apple, Computer was created by Jobs, Steve and Woznick, Steve in 1976 -
1973 BCE
Mobile or cell phone
Mobile or cell phone (laptop for personal use) was created by Cooper, Martin in 1973 -
1967 BCE
RAM (Memory)
RAM (Memory) was created by Dennard, Robert in 1967