Jan 1, 1111
If the plow was never invented, farming would be a lot harder and time consuming. people would have to spend the whole day farming insead of doing anything else. There lives would be hard to maintain without keeping the farm maintained. the plow is a very important tool. -
Jun 1, 1111
Withought the wheel, even if there were tons of goods, transportation of them would be extremely hard, and they would get nowhere. Gatting from point A to point B woould take longer tine then ever. Mant machines would also be imposible withought the wheel. -
Aug 5, 1430
Printing press
Withought the printing press, books would be very expensive and hard to make. with the press, knowlage was now easier to make and easier to obtain. Because knowlage was easier to get, more people could be educated. With more people educated, mor epeople got the knowlage you need to inbent more stuff. -
Steam engine
The steam engine was a amasing idea, it was an easier way to power trains and machines. Transportation of large goods was easier and faster. People could get around faster with steam trains. -
Withought Refridgeration, food would go rotten faster. food could go rotten before its even shiped to the stores. In hot summer days, the food suply would rot, an dmany people would die of starvation and sickness. -
The lightbulb mabe lighting dark things up easier thenever, withought the lightbulb people would have to rely on fire to light stuff up. Fire could spread and become a hazard. The lightbulb ws safer and could be activated at the flick of a switch. -
Going to your frieds house or work would take longer withought the car. With the car, you can transport people more freely then you can with the train. Withought the car, you would be late for many things and miss stuff to because you coudnt get there fast enough. -
Withought communications such as the phone, the tv, and the radio, knowlage would take longer to get. It would take weeks to get news from around the world. If ther ewas an emergency, it would be harder to contct the authouaties. -
With the computer, complicted problems are quicker and easier to handle. and data is easier to store. If you need to get something done quick, you could use a computer. -
With the internet so many things are possible, if your lost, you can use map software to find where to go. news is faster and easier to get then ever. you can talk to people states away. withught the internet, many things would be harder to do.