• Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney created the first version of the cotton gin in 1733. He was born in Westboro, Masachusetts on December 8, 1765 and died on january 8th. The Cotton Gin is a machine that quickly and easily separates the cotton fibers from their seeds. The purpose of creating the Cotton Gin was to produce more cotton faster than by hand, without slaves. This invention impacted America because now because of the fact that he made the cotton gin helped us create the modern-day version of the cotton gin.
  • Factory System by samuel slater

    Factory System by samuel slater
    The '''factory system''' was a method of manufacturing first adopted in England at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 1750s . the factory system was based on workers with different jobs who were payed different wages, kids and women were often workers in a factory. Although the conditions of a factory were dangerous and very unsafethat even lead to several deaths. workers worked for 13 to fourteen hours and were payed 3 bucks. therefore effecting america and alowing us to upgrade.
  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    Robert Fulton was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, onNovember 14, 1765 and died on February 24, 1815, and lies buried in Old Trinity Churchyard,New York City. He invented the steamboat, which was a boat that could transport goods, people, and supplies uphill. This allowed merchants to sell products to different clients. this invention impacted america by discovering a faster easier way to transport things which we still use today, but a more improved version.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    John Deere invented the steel plow in 1837. He was born in Rutland, Vermont on February 7, 1804, and died on May 17, 1886, Moline lll. He was a blacksmith and soon noticed that an iron plow was much better than a wooden one. This meant that farmers could now dig in heavier and harder soil, and will create more farmland.therefore impacting america now, because as he improved the plow over and over , people improved it to now a days products called "John Deere"
  • Telegraph

    The Telegraph was invented in 1837 by Samuel Morse. He was born in Charleston, Massachusetts in 1791. the telegraph was a device that allowed sound to travel over long distances, this allowed people to receive messages from different cities . .The reason why he made this invention was because he went away for a week and came back home to find his wife allready dead and buried. This affected america because now we have cellphones which helped us get the idea.
  • modern day version of cotton gin

    modern day version of cotton gin
  • modern day version of telegraph

    modern day version of telegraph
    iphone 5
  • modern day version of steamboat

    modern day version of steamboat
    cruise ship
  • modern day steel plow

    modern day steel plow
    "John Deere" product
  • modernday factory

    modernday factory