
By Cari.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Inventor:Robert Thomas Savery
    What is it:The Steam Engine is a engine powered by steam from boiling water.
    Impact:It increased western settlement because transportation was improved.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    Inventor:James Hargreaves
    What is it: a machine used to weave and sow clothing
    Impact:Increased clothing industry and a need for cotton
  • Factory System

    Factory System
    Inventor:Samuel Slator
    What is it:manufacturing occurred in one location
    Impact:machines and workers under one roof,more job oppurtunities
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Inventor: Eli Whitney
    What is it:: Machine used to pull seeds out of cotton
    Impact: Increased production of cotton industry
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Inventor: Eli Whitney
    what is it:: Replacement pieces of exact specifications. Parts that are exactly alike
    impact:Production became faster
  • National Roads

    National Roads
    Inventor: Albert Gallatin
    What is it: roads that make it easier for you to travel
    impact:allowed people to move around the country easier
  • Steam boat

    Steam boat
    Inventor: Robert Fulton
    what is it:Boats powered by steam engines
    impact:transportation became easier and faster
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    Inventor:John Calhoun
    What is it:water way that connects states
    impact:Opened up Ohio for transportation of farm products & development; Westward expansion made easier.
  • Lowell Mills

    Lowell Mills
    Inventor: Francis Cabot Lowell
    What is it: A place where women worked
    Impact: Increased job opportunities for young, unmarried women
  • Steel plow

    Steel plow
    Inventor: John Deere
    what is it:a light plow with a steel blade
    impact:plowing farms became faster
  • Telegraph

    Inventor: Samuel Morse
    What is it:machine used to communicate by using codes
    impact:improved communication
  • Transcontinental Road

    Transcontinental Road
    Inventor: Central Pacific Railroad and Union Pacific Railroad
    What is it:road that connected atlantic and pacific coast
    impact:improved transportation