Invention Timeline

  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
    It was originally invented in 1698 but was greatly improved by james watt in 1764. He improved the newcomen engine and came up with the idea for a seperate condenser.
  • Steamboat

    In the 1800's farmers were looking for ways to ship their products directly. Robert Fulton began the steamboat era when he powered his boat up the Hudson river to Albany NY. The steamboat allowed ships to travel against the current of the Mississippi river. It decreased the price of shipping and was able to transport raw materials.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    First major canal in the United States. It allowed shipping charges to decrease. It also led to other canal projects and made it easier for farmers to ship their crops or goods to major cities. Govenor Dewitt Clinton began the project of the Canal.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    It was invented by Cyrus McCormick. It Revolutionizes the farming industry by allowing one farmer to do the work of what would normaly take 5 people. Farmers were able to move over to cash crops.
  • Railroads

    Railroads emerged in the 1860's. They became the quickest way of transportation. They operate all year round and are able to transport goods inland. Railroads are also going to be used durning the civil war. Yes the invention is still being used today. Patented by John Ruggles of Maine.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    Invented by John Deere. It was able to cultivate heavy soil and required less animal power to pull. It is still used in the agricultural industry today.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Devolped my Samuel Morse. Created the first form of electronic communication. People recieved messages by a code of dots and dashes. The telegraph used a series of wires that covered the country. Bisnuesses used the telegraph and morse code for up to date information. Railroads also used the telegraph to communicate. Also was used durning the civil war for the union to communicate with other troops.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    Invented by Samuel Morse. The telegraph was the first electronic communicator.
  • Vulcanized Rubber

    Vulcanized Rubber
    Invented by Charles Goodyear. Valuable because it didnt freeze in cold weather or melt in hot weather. It was first used to protect footwear and then was later used for automobile tires. We use it for our tires on our cars today.
  • sewing machine

    sewing machine
    Patented by Elias Howe. First used in shoe factories. I. M. Singer deveolped the foot treadle sewing machine which later dominated the industry. The foot treadle reduced how much time it took to sew. The foot treadle supplied poweer to the machine. It impacted the clothing industry by making clothing prices more afordable and avaliable to the public.