Inventions in the 2010s

  • Instagram

    Almost everyone I know has Instagram. Instagram has changed social media. It is much like Facebook, but better. You can post and message people on Instagram.
  • Oculus

    The Oculus has changed the world. If you put one of these on, you'll be transported to a different world called virtual reality.
  • Apple Maps

    Apple Maps
    Apple Maps made it a lot easier to get to your destination. Instead of opening a map and searching where you have to go, you can easily go onto Apple Maps, search for your destination, and it will direct you to your destination.
  • PlayStation 4

    PlayStation 4
    The PlayStation 4 changed video games forever. The PlayStation 4 had a variety of games and people would always have a good time playing it.
  • Apple Smart Watch

    Apple Smart Watch
    The Apple Smart Watch enhanced many people's lives by exercising more and even helping people in an emergency.