searching for greater sound
The desire to increase the sound of the guitar existed long before the development of electrical amplifiers and speakers. Musical performances in the 19th century were characterized by ever-larger concert settings and ensembles. Musicians needed louder and more powerful instruments, which became possible by using new materials and designs. -
the introduction of steel strings
steel strings meant greater volume, but greater tension on instruments. The traditional flattop guitar began to change in size and shape as a steel-string instrument. In addition, an entirely different design emerged, the stronger—and louder -
growing music in need of a stronger sounding guitar
In the 1920s, as public dance music became more popular and the infant recording industry required high volume to capture a musical performance, guitar makers increased their efforts to develop ever-louder guitars. Some people continued experimenting with larger sizes and metal bodies; other innovators started to focus on electricity as a possible aid. -
the quest for a louder guitar intensified
with the development of big band music, phonograph recordings, and commercial radio, people were searching for a louder type of guitar.To compete in these new markets, guitar makers began not only building larger flat top and archtop guitars, but increasingly experimenting with different materials and designs. -
problems with electronic amplifications begin to get solved
The idea of using electricity to create louder string instruments already existed, and in the 1930s, some of the problems developers were faced with before, began to get solved.the beginning was when a developer produced an electromagnetic pickup in which a current passed through a coil of wire wrapped around a magnet, creating a field which amplified the strings' vibrations. Introduced pickup made this guitar the first commercially viable electric. -
the guitar sound and body is played with and worked through
other makers and players adapted the new technology to the more traditional Spanish-style hollow-body wooden guitars, but were troubled with distortions, overtones, and feedback—the amplification of vibrations in the body of the instrument as well as in the strings. Inventors began trying to address these sound difficulties by experimenting with solid, rather than hollow, guitar bodies -
electric amps proved to be a neccessity
despite some people fearing the new and tricky technology, electronic amplifications proved to be something needed in the making of an electric guitar -
the slingerland company introduced a Spanish solid-body electric guitar
the body and style of the electric guitar gets a spanish hint to it. -
other companies begin to improve the design
les paul, Paul Bigsby, and Leo Fender exdperiment with the spanish style guitar body and add things to improve the sound. -
the body and style is developed and improved
makers began building Spanish-style electric guitars with solid wooden bodies, which led to new designs and new sounds. -
electric guitars are firmly established to music.
after years of development, the electric guitar became popular all around the world. several guitar companies changed designs throughout years. electric guitars grew increasingly popular and became iconic with certain rockstars in the `70s and `80s.