Repel's Ink and George the Sewing Master
Repel's works, with pen and ink representations of Inuit customary life, and those of George Francis Lyon, both dispersed in 1824 were by and large examined. Chief George Comer's Inuit wife Shoofly, known for her sewing aptitudes and rich apparel, was convincing in influencing him to acquire all the all the more sewing additional items and dabs for trade with Inuits. -
6,000 years ago
Inuits started to move east crosswise over what is presently Canada, as far north as Greenland. -
Tunngavik Federation
Around the same time, the Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut was combined, with a specific end goal to expect control exchanges for territory claims for the Inuit living in the eastern Northwest Territories, that would later get the chance to be Nunavut, from the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, which transformed into a joint relationship of the Inuit of Quebec,Labrador and the Northwest Territories. -
The Northwest Territories is made as The Hudson's Bay Company surrenders its property (known as Rupert's Land) to the Government of Canada. -
Claims Canada
After several years of Arctic travel, Captain Joseph Bernier unveils a plaque on Melville Island officially “claiming” the Arctic islands for Canada -
The Canadian government expands its role in the Arctic and begins moving Inuit families off the land into permanent, centralized settlements.