Social media

Interesting things

  • Evolution of robots

    Evolution of robots
    Robots, have you wondered where they or how they became invented?
  • GPS

    GPS are one of the greatet inventions. I love using it, without it I would be lost. Here is some information on GPS
  • Invention of cell phones

    This gives you the dates and the types of cell phones for each era.
  • Digital Music

    Digital Music
  • Invention of the internet

    Today, almost one-third of the world’s 6.8 billion people use the Internet regularly. Includes videos of famous people with this invention
  • MP3 players

    MP3 players
    MP3 players were very popluar a few years ago. Now we have music on our cell phones. Here is a link to show you the history of MP3
  • Evolution of social media

    Evolution of social media
    Social media is a huge part of our world today. Have you wondered what started first to make it so popular. Almost everyone in the world has access to some social media