Introduction/Aim Cloud

  • Task C

    Many GFX designers use the cloud to transfer ideas and information. The website fiverr is a community of people that offer services that relate to anything for a good price. The cloud makes it easy to receive data from the clients.
  • Introduction

    There are multiple company's that offer a cloud service. For example, Apple use iCloud and Microsoft uses OneDrive. Anyone can access the cloud and is free to use. You can buy packs of more storage if you run out and is always available unless it is down for maintenance and updates/fix's. The cloud also offers an efficient way to work in a workplace as you can share files and documents to colleagues.
  • Task A

    Organizations can will find using the cloud very helpful. Documents can be shared to multiple people safely. Work and activity's can be done easily and is 'on demand' which means it is instantly saved after uploading.
  • Task B

    You can share important files with clients to complete the service you offer. Ideas and designs can be added including the final product. Direct messaging isn't included when using the cloud but you can use a different software. for example Skype is used often in every organization and new one is discord that is getting more popular. An art service like designing banners, logos and picture editing is a very popular background when talking about organizations and clients using the cloud.