History of Education

  • The first free school opens in Virginia

    Southern colonies students were usually taught by parents or tutors.
    History of the Classroom Blackboard. (2017, November 8). Retrieved from https://education.cu-portland.edu/blog/classroom-resources/the-history-of-the-classroom-blackboard/.
  • Harvard College was established

    Harvard College was the first Higher education in the United States
  • Massachusetts Bay School Law is passed

    Make sure that every parent have their children know the principles of religion and commonwealth
  • St. Matthew Lutheran School is founded in New York City

    St. Matthew is one of the first Lutheran schools
  • The state of Massachusetts makes a law that makes towns that have over 500 families to have a open public school.

  • New England Asylum for the Blind

    The first school for students who have disabilities with sight.
  • African Institute opens

    Higher education for African Amercians
  • Experimental School for Teaching and Training Idiotic Children opens

    The first school for mentally disabled students in the US
  • The University of Iowa

    The University of Iowa is the first University that accepts men and women equally
  • The first kindergarten opens in Wisconsin

  • The National Teachers Association is founded

  • The Department of Education is created

    Helps states establish effective schools
  • The first public school for the deaf is opened in Boston

  • States have fund to transport students to and from school

  • The ACT test starts in schools