
Non-Renewable Resources

  • 290 BCE

    Carboniferous Period

    Carboniferous Period
    This period occurred around 290 million years ago, however it is very important because this is where the vast majority of our fossil fuels come from.
  • How Fossil Fuels Work

    How Fossil Fuels Work
    In order for fossil fuels to create the energy we need, they must go through a process called photosynthesis first. This is when the plants take in the sun's direct rays and use this energy to create food for themselves. Taking in the CO2 and releasing the Oxygen we need.
  • Formation

    In order for Fossil Fuels to fully be formed there are 3 main steps. These steps include 1. accumulation of organic matter 2. preservation of organic material to prevent oxidization 3. conversion of the organic material into a fossil fuel
  • Coal

    Coal is one of the main 3 fossil fuels. It can be broken into 3 parts, these include lignite, anthracite and bituminous. In order to obtain any form of coal you must drill and mine into the Earth's layers. However, this is an issue because there is only so much of it to go around.
  • Oil

    Oil is probably one of the easiest to obtain. However, like Coal its mined or drilled. Oil can be accessed through pipes, but there is still only so much. Oil is also hard to find, and once it is found there is not an abundance of it.
  • Natural Gas

    Natural Gas
    Natural Gas is the last Fossil Fuel. This is mostly found under oceans and near oil deposits. The gas can be piped and stored for later use, but like the others there is only so much of it.
  • Fossil Fuels

    Fossil Fuels
    As beneficial as fossil fuels are, there is only so much of them. In due time, we will eventually run out. So we must continue to try and preserve what we do have, and try to use renewable resources.