Intro to ag. 1930-1950

  • The crash lands

    The crash lands
    The crash lands were a difficult time for agriculture. This time contained rotting rood,japanese beetles,and burning corn.These were difficult things to deal with because farmers would loose a lot of money because when the meat would rot they would not make a profit at all and this was bad because it was during the great depression.
  • Adapting to change

    Adapting to change
    In 1932 it got worse for farmers and ranchers.A lot of prices had dropped on crops and meat such as a bushel of corn dropping from 76 cents to 29 cents. Farmers also lacked the knowledge of how the market was working making it hared to sell produce. Rodents have also made it hared for them because they have been eating away at there crops so they made a poison that is less toxic to humians and more toxic to animals who disturbed the crops.
  • New hope and new deal

    New hope and new deal
    The new president Franklin D. Roosevelt was help farmers and ranchers all over.President Roosevelt would visit poor farmers shake there hand and promise change, Roosevelt created programs to help these framers.These programs focused on improving farm service and reducing farm surpluses and improving prices.
  • progress from Programs

    progress from Programs
    There was proof that the programs President Roosevelt set up are making it better for farmers.In 1934 the average farm income was $431 per farm and by that time next year it would be $775 per farm.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The "dust bowl" was a very bad thing for farmers because it was do to a drought. The "dust bowl" basically was dust storms that would sweep away the valube layers of topsoil. The practice of plowing fields made this worse because it would leave the soil exposed before planting in the spring.
  • Soil conservation act

    Soil conservation act
    The soil conservation act was basically to help farmers against soil erosion and dust storms. Also during this time President Roosevelt sent aid to provide the hungry and homeless in the dust bowl.The soil conservation act was passed immediately after a dust storm engulfed the capital in april 1935.
  • War clouds with a silver lining

    War clouds with a silver lining
    The world war growing into a bigger problem was trouble for a lt of American farmers. During this time a lot of farmers thought there was going to be an economic boom because a lot of foreign markets were closing but they were wrong. Farmers were only asked to produce what would be needed at home and nothing else which caused a loss in product and money.
  • conserve and grow for war

    conserve and grow for war
    During war time the demand on processed food that last long was at an all time high. When making processed food you need certain ingredients and since most farmers where trying to get a profit during this time means that the ingredients you would need was at a low.
  • Farming on the home front

    Farming on the home front
    In 1942 farming labor became scarce. with most men in america being drafted for the was left a lot of farmers having less people to work. The government exempted 1,600,000 men for the war so that mean less and less labor was going into the farm.
  • Servicemen readjustment act

    Servicemen readjustment act
    In 1944 President Roosevelt signed the service man rejust man act or commonly known as the G.I. Bill. This bill helped man coming back from the war go to collage and get a good job, medical care, and create a business or a farm.