Into the Wild-Allie Wiens

  • Period: to

    Into the Wild

  • Chris graduates college

    Chris graduates college
    Chris graduated college from Emory University. He graduated in May 1990. This is the start of his journey. His parents thought he was going back to law school but really he left.
  • Chris begins his journey

    Chris begins his journey
    Chris leaves in his yellow Datsun. He did not tell anybody. The starting point of his journey was significant because it was a new beginning for Chris. He changed his name to Alex and off he was starting his journey across the country.
  • Hitchhiking

    Chris was picking berries on the side of the road. A lady Jan Burres and her boyfriend pulled over. They thought he looked hungry. The couple offered Chris a ride into town. This is important because Jan was the first person Chris had a serious connection with during his journey. It is also important because Chris later on sends postcards to her and later on also meets up with her again.
  • Wayne Westerberg

    Wayne Westerberg
    Chris gets picked up by Wayne in Montana. Chris ended up staying with Wayne for three days because the weather was bad. This is important because Wayne became a huge part in his journey. This was Chris' first real friendship.
  • Bullhead City

    Bullhead City
    Chris fell in love with this town. He stayed here for 2 months and Chris even thought about ending his journey here. He worked at McDonald's. Chris felt that he could actually "live" while he was living in this town. He lived in a vacant mobile home.
  • Slab City

    Slab City
    Chris travles to Slab City and reunites with Jan. He lives with her after being copped up in Bullhead City for so long. This is important because this is where Chris starts to really talk about Alaska and starts preparing for harsher weather.
  • Ronald Franz

    Ronald Franz
    Chris makes a quick stop at Salton City before heading to Alaska. This is important because he meets Ron. Chris makes a huge impression on Ron in just a few days. It shows us how easy going Chris is and how easy he can make friendships.
  • Carthage

    Chris goes back to carthage. This is important because this is where Chris says goodbye to everyone that he met along his journey. When he was leaving Carthage he cried bcause he knew that was probably going to be the last time he ever saw those people.
  • Stampede Trail

    Stampede Trail
    Chris hiked the Stampede trail. This hike was very important because he asks himself a lot of questions. He wonders if he's ready to go back to civilization. He even considers forgiving his parents.
  • Bus

    While Chris was hiking the Stampede Trail he found a bus. He decided to take shelter in it. This is where Chris lived in the bus for 114 days. This is important because this is where Chris' journey starts to decline.
  • Death

    Chris dies in the bus. He eats mold that is on the potato seeds. Chris dies in the bus and some hikers eventually find him.