Prohibition STARTS
The prohibition ( the banning of the sale and consumption of alcohol) began in Canada in 1918 and ended in 1920. In the United States alcohol was still illegal so Canadians took advantage of this opportunity and supplied the U.S. with alcohol. Many Canadians who were involved in smuggling alcohol new it was dangerous but were able to become very profitable. The Canadian government new what was happening but choose to look the other way. -
Spanish Flu Pandemic STARTS
The Spanish Flu killed millions world wide. The virus swiped across Europe killing millions of millions of people .Soldiers returning from Europe carried the virus with them to North America. In Canada approximately 50 000 Canadians were killed from this pandemic. Schools , Public facilities were closed for months. Aboriginal communities were almost wiped out . -
WW1 Armistice
WW1 ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versalles. Canada also took park in the Paris Peace Conferance . This day marked a very important day in Canadian history. Prime Minster Borden fought for Canada to take part in the signing of Versalles. Canada received a spot among the other leaders who signed the Treaty of Versalles. This was a important step for Canada and proving the it is an independent nation. Also canada gains autonomy by receiving it own seat in the paris peace conference. -
Winnipeg General Strike
In Winnipeg many workers walked of the job on May 15 1919. The reason why they went on strike was because they wanted better wages. This resulted in the fear of the 'Red Scare' and the spread of communism among business owners. The strikers did not accomplish what they wanted. Many of the workers who went on strike did not get rehired. This impacted Canada because many work days were lost to the strike and lockouts. Also many peopel lost their jobs -
Indian Act Changes
The Canadian government changed the Indian Act to prevent anyone the ability to raise money to pursue land claims without special permission and Aboriginals had no consent in transferring land reserves by the government to the government. -
Spanish Flu Pandemic END
Prohibition ENDS
William Lyon Mackenzie King
King was the longest serving Prime Minster in Canadian history. He was in office for 21years and 154 days ( 1921-1931,1935-1948). He guided Canada through most of the Great Depression and WWll. He helped Canada achieve greater independence form Britain. -
Stock Market Crash
On October 29 1929 Black Tuesday)investors were selling there stocks so they could cash them in for high profits. When this happened everyone went to do the same thing then stock prices began to fall and people panicked a started to sell off all there stocks in huge volumes which caused the prices to drop even further.Then the New York Stock Exchange Crashed. This affected all Canadians in a huge way many lost there jobs and all there money which they had invested in the stocks. -
Richard Bedford Bennett PM 1930 -1935
Bennett was leader of the conservative Party and the Prime Minster of Canada from 1930-1935. He won the election because of the great depression.He promised to help fight the depression and developed programs to help Canadians. He made work camps for men which lost him much of his popularity. People made many jokes about him. For example the cars which were towed by horses because owners could not afford gasoline were called Bennett buggies. -
Bennetts New Deal
Bennetts New Deal was his version of Presdent Roosevelt's New deal. Some of the times included in his deal was minimum wage ,insurance to protect workers against illness, injury and unemployment. This did not affect Canadians immidely but over time workers did get these deals. -
On-To- Ottawa/ Regina Riot 1935
The On-To- Ottawa Trek was when thousands of men who were from Vancouver jumped onto trains traveling to Ottawa. On the way to Ottawa the train stopped in Regina. The riot started when the RCMP confined the trekkers in a local stadium. The RCMP only allowed the leaders to continue to Ottawa. When the leaders arrived in Ottawa they meet with Bennett and he attacked them calling them "communist radicals and troublemakers". Canada was affected by this because many men were not working in the camps.