Period: to
Japenese Internment Camp dates
Japenese attack on Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Video Japaneses soliders attack Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. -
Executive Order 9066
President Roosevelt signs the Executive Order 9066 which allows military leaders to keep anyone without letting them have a trial. It paved the way for internment camps. http://www.megumitales.com/023executiveorder.jpg -
Public Proclamation Number 1
General John L. Dewitt issues th Public Proclamation Number 1 which created Military areas 1 and 2 which included California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona. It also hints that people might be excluded from area number 1. http://gladstonepostdoc.ucsf.edu/images/sanfrancisco/wcf093.jpg -
First Cicilian Exclusion Order is issued
The first Cicilian Exclusion Order is issued for the area near Seattle. It allowed 108 Japanese Americans to be incarcerated by the end of October. http://media.discovernikkei.org/articles/3855/evacuation2.jpg -
War Status
Germany surrendors which ended the war in Europe. http://forum.nashville247.tv/files/may-7-1945-ny-newspaper-wwii-germany-surrenders_370493575199.jpg -
First Atomic bomb is dropped
First Atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima http://www.allworldwars.com/image/037/Hiroshima05.jpg -
Second Atomic bomb is dropped
The second Atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki http://awesometalks.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/ng30.jpg -
Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act
President Truman signs the Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act http://www.pbs.org/kqed/fillmore/images/photos/pd_evacuation_notice.jpg -
Resolution is announced
A resolution is announced by the Japanese American Citizens league calling for reparations for the World War Two incarceration of Japanese Americans http://depts.washington.edu/civilr/jacllogo.gif -
Public Hearing in Washington D.C.
The comminsion on wartime relocation and internment of civilians holds a public hearing in Washigton D.C. as part of its investigation of the interment of Japanese Americans during World War Two http://www.nps.gov/history/history/online_books/personal_justice_denied/images/cover.jpg -
CMRIC issues recommendations to congress
The CWRIC issues its formal recommendations to congress concerning redress for Japanese Americans intemed during World War Two http://www.pbs.org/childofcamp/history/timeline.html -
H.R. 442
H.R. 442 is signed into law by President Ronald Reagan to implament the recommendations of the CWRIC. http://www.vcjacl.org/Assets/Images/Harry%20Kajihara%20and%20Pres%20Reagan.jpg http://www.internmentarchives.com/showdoc.php?docid=00168&search_id=9522