Internet Usage and Abuse

By dkim54
  • The First Spam Message is Sent

  • First Freely Programable Computer - Z1 Computer by Konrad Zuse

    First Freely Programable Computer - Z1 Computer by Konrad Zuse
  • The Ferranti Mk1 is Made

    The Ferranti Mk1 is Made
  • Ivan Sutherland, Bob Taylor, and Lawrence G. Roberts start with the importance of networking

  • Electronic Mail is Introduced by Ray Tomlinson

    Electronic Mail is Introduced by Ray Tomlinson
  • TCP/IP is desgined and it becomes the standard of communication, one of it's FTP

  • The First Macintosh Computer is Created

    The First Macintosh Computer is Created
  • Period: to

    Macintosh Computers

  • Cyber Warfare got an Increase in Intenet Problems and Server Scans

  • Since 2003 the Majority of worms and widespread viruses have been designed to take control of computer users

  • Youtube is released

    Youtube is released
  • Period: to

    Increase in Cyberbullying Enacted Legislation