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Internet History Timeline

  • Created

    the internet was officially created in 1983
  • Symbolics' Computer Court

    Symbolics' Computer Court
    Symbolics' computer court was the first registered domain name ever.
  • Virus

    virus called the internet worm temporarily shuts down 10% of the worlds internet services
  • The internet is released for commercial use

    The internet is released for commercial use
    Open to the puplic
  • Initial commerce sites

    Initial commerce sites
    initial commerce sites are established and mass marketing campaigns are launched via email introducing the term "spamming"
  • Google

    Google opens its first office
  • E-Commerce

    E-commerce becomes the new buzzword as internet shopping rapidly spreads
  • Wikipedia

    Jimmy Wates launches Wikipedia.
  • Apple

    Apple computer introduces apple itunes music store, which allows people to download songs for .99
  • Colorado Rockies

    Colorado Rockies
    Colorado Rockies system crashes when it receives 8.5 million hits within the first 90 minutes of world series ticket sales
  • Music

    Legal online music downloads triple to 6.7 downloads per week
  • China

    China dominates internet usage by 2010 with over 450 million users
  • Internet shopping

    Internet shopping
    Internet shopping goes to grocery shopping with Amazon Fresh delivering groceries to your door step
  • internet users

    internet users
    45 million people are using the internet roughly 30 million are N.A 9 million Europe, and 6 million in Asia