Internet History

By QDils
  • Period: to

    Technology in my Lifetime

  • VCR

    I remember at this age being able to function the VCR thanks to my mother taping small ripped pieces of construction paper under buttons so I could understand their function
  • Period: to

    Floppy Disk ERA

    I remember using floppy disk in school to use software or to save information
  • Computer

    I remember having a Mac top just like the ones in school. I was able to run the computer play games and use the paint application
  • Video Games

    Video Games
    My parents allowed me to purchase my first game system when I turned 10, I had to spend my own money I had saved. Bringing me into my life with video games the nintendo 64
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    In 2003 I was given my first Cellphone. My parents had prior to this had just one cell phone, it was the first and only one I had seen up until receiving my first phone. This was something I did not want and felt that I did not need. Up until this time it was fine to communicate via landlines and verbally.
  • Hi-Speed Internet

    Hi-Speed Internet
    I remember using and having internet for the first time in our house. I lived in San Diego and had only been familiar with the dial-up internet that my grandparents had, up until this point
  • Flat Screen

    Flat Screen
    We got my Father a flat screen TV for his birthday or possibly fathers day it was a 32 inch screen and we felt like we finally had a big screen tv.
  • Texting

    During this time I think is about when I first started sending text messages, phones not only have gotten color screens but now have songs for ringtones, cameras, and ability to save files such as music
  • International Flight

    Traveling to Australia in 2009 was the first time I had ever been on an airplane with the amount of technology this one had, every person had their own tv capable of watching whatever they wanted or playing games. I was used to the one tv per every few rows.
  • Smart TV

    Smart TV
    around this time smart TV's started coming out my parents bought me one and streaming was starting to take off
  • I phone

    I phone
    This was my first iphone. Have not ever considered anything else since this perfect piece of technology
  • PS4

    This is my last and latest video gaming. My children enjoy it more than me now.
  • Smart Car (technologically speaking)

    Smart Car (technologically speaking)
    The was the first car I purchased it was for my wife and it was a smart car with apple car play, and amazing technology. I had seen nice technology on my parents and grandparents cars but this was the first one I bought. Of course we are onto newer and nicer cars now