Internet Advances In My Life

By hcourts
  • World Wide Web was launched

    World Wide Web was launched
  • First commercial ISP

    We started using internet in school. It was easy things like games and painting.
  • First public web browser

    This was when we got our computer at home. I spent alot of times playing games before dial-up networking was available.
  • Got my first email address

    Got my first email address
    Yes, it was AOL and I still use it today
  • Creation of Wikipedia

    We started using this a lot when I was enrolled at MU during this time. A lot of time was spent in the library.
  • MySpace

    I registered with MySpace for the first time in 2005. It was created in 2003
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    My husband got the first iPhone when it went on the market. Before that we had the flip phones.