International Relations (1873-1914)

  • Three Emperors' League

    Allience between Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary
  • Treaty of Berlin

    Determined the borders in the Balkans and created a small Bulgaria
  • Treaty of San Stefano

    End of Russian-Turkish War
    Created a large Bulgaria (Russian pupet state)
  • Dual Allience

    Between Germany, Austro-Hungary
  • Renewal of the Three Emperors' League

  • Tripple Allience

    Between Germany, Italy, Austro-Hungary
  • End of Bismark's power

  • French-Russian allience

  • Fashoda Crisis

  • Spanis-American War

    USA gained territories
  • The Anglo-Boer War broke out

  • Only Two Independent Countries in Africa

    Ethiopia and Liberia
  • End of Anglo-Boer War

  • Moroccan Crisis

    William II offered protection to Morocco from France
  • Entente Cordiale

    Allience betveen Great Britain and France
  • Battle of Port Arthur

  • Defeate of Mukden

    Japanease defeated the russians
  • English Russian Allience

  • Annexation of Bosnia

  • Second Moroccan Crisis

    Phanter Jump
  • First Balkan War

    Against Turkey
  • Second Balkan war

    Balkan states against Bulgaria who became too powerful
  • Panama Canal