The League of Naations Formed
The League of Nations was established to help maintain peace within the world. The league was meant to solve any conflicts that occured throughout the world, peacefully and calmly. There was meant to be no fighting what so ever. -
The Constitution of the League of Nations Was Adopted (Versailles Treaty)
This was when contitution of the League of Nations was adopted by the Paris Peace Conference. At this conference, representatives from many countries of the world came together to discuss the constitution, and form other treaties and alliances that would help to benefit the world. -
Japan Resigning from the League of Nation
When Japan renamed Manchuria as Manchukuo, only Germany Italy recognized it as a new state. A report was later published stating that Japan tooko over a portion of China's land, in order to for China to lose power. Because Japan had to forcefuuly take the land from China, the League of Nations refused to see the new place as a state. As a result, Japan resigned from the League of Nations. As one of the major powers of the League of Nations, the League lost a major support. -
The League of Nations Intercepting the Soviet Union
After Stalin became weary of an invasion that could happen in Soviet Union, he decided to invade Finland. Wanting to avoid war, the League of Nation intecepted, expelling the Soviet Union. -
Work Bank Established
The World Bank was established in 1944, at the Bretton Woods Conference. The bank is an international financial institution that mainly provides loans to developing countries. -
The United Nations was Officially Formed
The United Nations was officially formed. The overall purpose of the United Nations was bring all nations of the world together to work, for peace and development, and are based on the principles of justice, human dignity, and the well-being of all people. -
The League of Nations Disbanded
When war broke out in the 1930s, the League of Nations was unable to avoid a war. In order to help a more powerful force, the League of Nations disbanded, later creating the United Nations. The United Nations was developed to become a bigger force than the League of Nations, and was developed to help almost every international problem besides war. -
Marshall Plan and The World Bank
The Marshall Plan in 1947, caused the lending by the bank to change as many European countries received aid that competed with World Bank loans. The plan was to help the countries rebuild themselves after the war. -
Establishment of the World Trade Organization
The World trade Organization becomes a legal successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, as predictably and freely as possible. -
The United Nations Adopted the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
The General Assembly created a “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. The Declaration was mainly focused for the individuals in Africa. As abuse and other mistreatments are common around the world, the Declaration symbolizes that rights that each person deserves. -
United Nations and the Cuban Missile Crisis
During this time, the US used the United Nations as a podium to challenge the Soviet Union's placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba. The indicament left the Soviet Union to remove their missiles. The UN thus helped to avoid a nuclear war. -
Robert McNamara helped to Contribute to the Success for the World Bank
McNamara had the bank focus on meeting the basic needs of people in the developing world. McNamara imported a technocratic managerial style to the Bank that he had used as United States Secretary of Defense and President of the Ford Motor Company. -
The United Nations Passes a Resolution Pertaining to Zionism
This law is directed towards being a Jewish political movement maintaining the Jewish people are entitled to a national homeland) with racism. -
World Bank Administrative Tribunal
The World Bank administrative tribunal was established to decide on disputes between the World Bank Group and its staff where allegation of non-observance of contracts of employment of terms of appointment had not been honored. -
World Bank Amended
The World Bank was amended in February 16, 1989. The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. Mainly a bank to help countries develop. -
United Nation Mission Failed to Prevent Local Warlords From Seizing Neighboring Resources
Due to the United Nations failing to stop the local warlords from seizing neighboring resources, the Battle of Mogadishu occurred, killings several US military soldiers in the process. This represents a drawback the United Nations were forced to face. -
Russia and the World Trade Organization
Since 1993, Russia has wanted to join into this organization. In doing so, Russia would then gain access to trade, a better economy, and an increase in the wealth of the country. Russia however has not been included in the organization, due to disagreements from the participating members. -
The World Trade Organization Commences
The basis of the multilateral trade negotiations (Uruguay Round) conducted by GATT members. Due to the basis being completed, an overall format of the organization is laid out for other countries to see, analyze, and possibly join in. -
The United Nations are Selected for the Nobel Peace Prize
In 1988, the United Nations won the Nobel Peace Prize for the Peace keeping forces that helped to avoid war and conflict. This event helps to showcase the impact the United Nations have on the world. -
Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia Join the World trade Organization
In 2009, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus were finally able to join the organization. Allowing the countries to gain much more access on the main economical foundations around the globe.