First email address
I received my first email address when I started college. -
Period: to
Interest in Learning
During this time, I was very interested in learning Technology and teaching myself how to use a computer and various software. I also enjoyed teaching others what I learned. -
New restaurant POS system
A new POS system was purchased for the restaurant that I managed. I spent a lot of time learning the system, trying to break it so that I could learn how to prevent errors and/or fix them. I then taught the staff in my store how to use the system and taught other managers how to troubleshoot common errors. -
I started a job where I learned a lot about marketing. I used Photoshop to create images, updated the website, created marketing materials. -
File Organization
I started an administrative position and had to organize a lot of files. -
Period: to
Looking at How Technology can be useful
During this time period, I wasn't just learning technology because I had to or because it interested me. I started looking at how technology could help with collaboration or efficiency. -
Started Educational Technology Program
When my interested evolved from being curious about technology and I started looking at how technology can be helpful, I enrolled in the Ed Tech program at JMU. -
Period: to
How does technology help with learning
During my Master's program, I started to question how technology helps with learning. I became very interested neuroscience and human-computer interaction. -
Started Research
When my curiosity evolved to questioning how technology helps with learning, I was drawn to research on neuroscience and human-computer interaction -
Experimental Research
Conducted a small experimental research project using a EEG headset to measure brain activity when text messages or popup ads occur while conducting learning exercises on a computer.