Old Deluder Satan Act
This law was designed to produce citizens who understood the Bible and could thwart Satan's trickery, and it required every town of 50 or more households to hire a teacher of reading and writing. -
William Berkely
William Berkely, the aristocratic governor of Virginia, supported the exclusion, and in 1671 railed against both free public education and across to books. -
John Locke
Emphasized the importance of firsthand experiences in helping children learn about the world. -
The Southern Colonies
Life in southern colonies was linked to the land and revolved around agriculture, often on large plantations where african slaves and indentured servants worked land owned by wealthy landlords. -
Bill of Rights
Firat 10 amendments -
Early National Period
The constitution removes formal religion from the schools and establishes state responsibility in education. -
Land Oridance of 1785
The federal government established a role for itself in public education. -
U.S. Constitution
The following 27 amendments -
Common School Movement
A historic attempt to make education available to all children in the United States. -
English Classical Schools
A free secondary designed to meet the needs of boys not planning to attend college. -
The Contributions of Horace Mann
He was an outspoken advocate for public education, believing that it was the key to developing our country and improving the quality of life for all people. -
Expansion of the Common School Movement
The common school movement proposed despite obstacles, such as business interests that feared a loss of cheap child labor, citizens who objected to increased taxes and having to pay educate other peoples children, and competition from private and parochial schools. -
Is a federal compensatory education program designed to help 3 to 5 year-old disadvantaged children enter school ready to learn. -
Tribal Schools
Teachers were poorly paid, instructional materials were limited, and schools depended on the federal government for finances, all problems difficult to overcome. -
Middle Schools
Targeted at grades 6 to 8 and designed to meet the unique social, emotional, and intellectual needs of early adolescents, was a response to these criticisms. -
Streaming Video in Classrooms
The use of handheld devices, such as smartphones and clickers; the replacement of overhead projectors with document cameras and chalkboards with whiteboards.